114. We got up and walked on. The intensity of the sun's heat was excessively STRONG and made it difficult for us to continue. Then we saw some trees in the wilderness with water under them. We sat down in the shade of one of the trees in the wilderness, and I asked him, RABBI SHIMON: Can you explain to me why it is that of all the nations of the world the only one that sways is Yisrael? For when they study Torah they sway back and forth? And this is not something that they learned from anyone else, but they just cannot stand still.
115. He said to me: You have reminded me of a heavenly matter, yet people do not know and do not pay attention. He sat down for a while and cried. Then he said: Woe to people who go around like the beasts of the field, without understanding. In this matter alone are the holy souls of Yisrael distinguished from the souls of the other peoples, worshippers of stars and constellations. The souls of Yisrael are derived from the holy burning candle, WHICH IS MALCHUT, as it is written: "The spirit of man is the candle of Hashem" (Mishlei 20:27). And when this candle is kindled from the higher Torah, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, its light is not still for even a moment, and this is the secret of the verse: "Elohim, keep not silent" (Tehilim 83:2), WHICH IS WRITTEN ABOUT MALCHUT. And something similar is written ABOUT THE SOULS: "you that make mention of Hashem, keep you not silent" (Yeshayah 62:6), NAMELY you have no respite. Once the light of the candle has taken hold of the wick, that light will never rest, rather, the fire light sways to and fro, and never stays still.
116. This is how it is with Yisrael, too, for their souls are of the light of the same candle, WHICH IS MALCHUT. Once one has raised one Torah subject, the light begins to burn, and they are unable to obtain respite, but sway hither and thither and from side to side, just as the flame of the candle flickers, for it is written: "The spirit of man is the candle of Hashem."
117. And it is written: "But you...are men" (Yechezkel 34:31). This means that you, and not the nations of the world, are called 'men.' The souls of the idol worshipping peoples are of extinguished straw, with no light resting on them. This is why they are in repose and do not sway, for they have no Torah by which to be enflamed and no light rests on them. THIS IS WHY they stand like trees in a blaze, burning without a light resting on them, and so they are still without any light at all. Rabbi Yosi said: So this is the explanation of the matter. Happy is my lot that I deserved to hear this matter.