153. "And Elohim said, 'Let there be light'" (Beresheet 1:3), ALLUDES TO the spreading of light downward. These are the angels that were created on the first day, and who subsist on the right side, BECAUSE THE FIRST DAY, CHESED, IS CONSIDERED TO PERTAIN TO THE RIGHT SIDE. HENCE, THE ANGELS DRAWN FROM IT PERTAIN TO THE RIGHT. In the quotation, "And Elohim saw the light, that it was good" (Ibid. 4), the particle Et (the) joins the opaque mirror THAT IS MALCHUT, with the shining mirror THAT IS ZEIR ANPIN. This is the union that was pronounced, "good." Rabbi Elazar said that the particle Et (the) includes all the angels who come from the side of the light OF CHESED, and that they all shine as wholly as the first LIGHT, AS IT IS SAID OF THEM, "AND IT WAS GOOD."