323. Rabbi Yesa Junior frequently visited Rabbi Shimon. He said to him, It is written, "Blessings are upon the head of the righteous" (Mishlei 10:6), when it should have been written, 'upon the righteous.' Why, then, is it written, "head of the righteous?" He replied, The "head of the Righteous" is the holy crown, THE CROWN OF YESOD. This has already been explained. Moreover, Jacob is the head of the righteous. He is TIFERET, AND THE BODY, AND IS CALLED THE "HEAD OF THE RIGHTEOUS" because he receives blessings and showers them on the Righteous, NAMELY, ON YESOD, CALLED 'RIGHTEOUS,' from where they flow in every direction, THAT IS, RIGHT AND LEFT OF MALCHUT. Thus, all the worlds are blessed.
324. We also explained that the verse, "Blessings are upon the head of the righteous," refers to the place, which is the covenant, called 'righteous,' from which rivers flow. As the mouth of the pitcher, from which the wine is poured, is at the top, so is the head of the righteous. The place from which springs gush into the Nukva is called the 'head of the righteous.' The righteous is the head because all the blessings dwell therein AND FLOW FROM THERE.
325. We should further explain that a man who succeeded in keeping the sign of the Covenant and observing the precepts of the Torah is called 'righteous,' and is considered righteous from head to foot. OF HIM THE SCRIPTURE SAYS, "BLESSINGS ARE UPON THE HEAD OF THE RIGHTEOUS." For when blessings flow into the world, they dwell on his head, and it is because of him that blessings abide in the world - through the holy, righteous children that are his issue.
326. Rabbi Yesa further said, It is written, "I have been young, and now am old..." (Tehilim 37:24). This verse was said to have been uttered by the Minister of the World. He said it with greater wisdom than most people think. HE THEREFORE WISHED TO UNDERSTAND ITS MEANING. Rabbi Shimon said, My son, indeed THIS VERSE WAS WRITTEN WITH GREAT WISDOM, because the words, "I have been young, and now am old," refer to the holy union.