147. "And Hashem saw that Leah was hated" (Beresheet 29:31). Rabbi Elazar opened the discussion with the verse, "He makes the barren woman to keep house, and be a joyful mother of sons, Haleluyah" (Tehilim 113:9). The verse, "He makes the barren woman (also: 'the principal part') to keep house," refers to Rachel, the principal part of the house, and "a joyful mother of sons" refers to Leah, WHO BORE SIX SONS AND ONE DAUGHTER.
148. According to another explanation, "He makes the barren woman to keep house," refers to the Sabbatical year, THE NUKVA OF ZEIR ANPIN, which is the principal part, because the whole world is guided by her. ."..a joyful mother of sons..." refers to the Jubilee year, BINAH, on which all joy and bliss in all the worlds OF BRIYAH, YETZIRAH AND ASIYAH depend. FOR THE NUKVA OF ZEIR ANPIN HAS NOTHING OF HERSELF EXCEPT WHAT ZEIR ANPIN RECEIVES FROM BINAH AND PASSES ON TO HER. THEN SHE PASSES IT ON TO ALL THE WORLDS. THUS, ALL JOY IN THE WORLDS OF BRIYAH, YETZIRAH AND ASIYAH COMES FROM BINAH. This verse comprises everything, because it includes all in the secrets of Holiness, NAMELY, THE HIDDEN WORLD AND THE DISCLOSED WORLD. Therefore, the verse ends with Halleluyah, WHICH IS THE HIGHEST OF ALL PRAISES IN THE BOOK OF TEHILIM.
149. "And Hashem saw that Leah was hated." HE ASKS, Why was she hated? The sons of a hated wife cannot be decent sons, yet we see that all the good sons came from Leah. Now you say that Leah was hated. HE ANSWERS, Assuredly, the Jubilee year is always the Hidden World, and its words are never revealed. Therefore, all its acts were hidden from Jacob. THAT MEANS THAT SHE WAS LOVED BY HIM IN PRIVATE, BUT IN PUBLIC IT SEEMED AS IF SHE WAS HATED.
150. Come and behold, the lower world, WHICH IS RACHEL, THE NUKVA OF ZEIR ANPIN, is revealed; it is the beginning of the ascension of the grades. The supernal Chochmah OF ARICH ANPIN is the starting point for everything FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD, as the lower world is Chochmah, the starting point FROM BELOW UPWARD. Therefore, it is called "You," because it is a Sabbatical year and therefore disclosed.
151. And the supernal world is the Jubilee year, NAMELY, LEAH WHO IS DRAWN FROM IMA, and we call it "he," because all of its words are hidden. (FOR THE WORD "HE" ALLUDES TO THE HIDDEN WORLD.) The secret is as it is written of Leah: "And he lay with her that night (lit. 'that night he')" (Beresheet 30:16). It is therefore written, "And the Levite shall serve he" (Bemidbar 18:23), WHICH MEANS THAT THE LEVITE SERVES in order to draw blessings from "he" to all THE WORLDS. "He" is ever the supernal secret world, and Jacob willingly cleaved only to what was revealed. This is the secret of the verse, "and cleave to his wife" (Beresheet 2:24).
152. "And Hashem saw that Leah was hated," BECAUSE SHE IS DRAWN FROM IMA. From here it is understood that man has an aversion toward incest with his mother, BECAUSE HIS MOTHER IS THE SECRET OF THE HIDDEN WORLD, OF WHICH IT IS SAID, "THEREFORE SHALL A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER." Moreover, a man may stay alone with his mother anywhere, and not fear OF BEING ALONE WITH HER. Thus, all was unknown to Jacob, because the supernal world (LEAH DRAWN FROM IMA) is completely undisclosed.