"And he looked, and behold a well in the field"
Here the Zohar reveals the regenerative power of love tempered by justice. It explains how King David fled from his son Absalom, and was comforted by the notion that his predecessors, Jacob and Moses, had also fled. Like them, he was consoled by the power of unconditional love, or the Eternal Female, "Nukva" or Malchut. This is symbolized by the phrase, "the well in the field." Protecting this well is a stone, which represents the rigor of severe judgment. When the spirit is regenerated by love, the stone of judgment is rolled back into place because it is necessary to protect the "waters" from the wicked. In its negative aspect, this stone of severe judgment is evil. "The other side is forever present at the well's mouth." Here once again the Zohar defines evil as judgment without mercy.
Just as hatred for no reason is the singular cause of the destruction of the Temple and the resulting spiritual darkness, unconditional love has the power to remove even the most severe judgments decreed against mankind. Love is awakened in our hearts by this section - a love for others, particularly our enemies, that sweetens and removes looming judgments.