307. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "You shall offer up a cake (Heb. chalah) of the first of your dough for a gift" (Bemidbar 15:20). This commandment is to separate a piece of dough for the priest. Chalahs' numerical value is Mem Gimel (= 53). THIS INDICATES THAT DOUGH DOES NOT ACQUIRE THE SIZE WHEN CHALAH IS TO BE REMOVED FROM IT, UNLESS IT CONTAINS 43 and 1/5 of an eggs's size OF AN EGG. There are times when fifth means one of fifty, which is final Nun (= 50). This is derived from Mem Gimel final Nun, which is the initials of Michael, Gabriel and Nuriel, WHO CORRESPOND TO CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF ZEIR ANPIN. Chalah is the Shechinah, for wherever these angels MEM GIMEL FINAL NUN, are, there are the patriarchs, WHO ARE CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET. Wherever the patriarchs are, THAT IS, CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, there the Shechinah is found, SINCE CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET ARE THE SECRET OF THREE COLUMNS AND MALCHUT RECEIVES FROM THEM. And in her, IN MALCHUT, one beseeches, foin her one prays. SHE IS REFERRED TO AS PRAYER, as it is written: "And Moses besought (Heb. vayechal) Hashem his Elohim..." (Devarim 3:24) and "O Hashem Elohim, You have begun (Heb. hachilota) to show Your servant..." (Shemot 32:11). In her Chalah, NAMELY, the paternal merits begin, WHICH IS DERIVED FROM HACHILOTA. In her, paternal merit ends for the wicked, SINCE PATERNAL MERIT DOES NOT STAND FOR THEM as they receive their reward in this world.
308. Since from the right side, where the Yud is, that is Chochmah, BECAUSE CHOCHMAH IS AT THE RIGHT AND BINAH IS AT THE LEFT, THAT ARE YUD-HEI, which is the beginning of the Name Yud Hei Vav Hei, THE SHECHINAH indicates merit for Her children WHEN SHE RECEIVES from the right, where the 248 positive commands are, THAT IS THE SECRET OF CHASSADIM, and from the side of the last Hei OF HEI VAV YUD HEI, that is to the left of Gvurah, SINCE MALCHUT IS ERECTED FROM THE LEFT SIDE. PRIOR TO THAT, SHE RECEIVES FROM THE RIGHT, where the negative commands exist, which total 365 THAT ARE ON THE LEFT, where the totally wicked are sentenced. FOR THEM, paternal merit has ended, BECAUSE THEY STILL DO NOT HAVE CHASSADIM FROM CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, WHO ARE CALLED FATHERS. The name of Yud Hei Vav Hei is reversed to Hei Vav Hei Yud, MEANING BACKWARDS, INDICATING JUDGMENT. We learn this from the wicked Haman, BECAUSE HE SAID, "Yet all this avails me nothing" (Ester 5:13). THE LETTERS AT THE END OF THE WORDS FORM HEI VAV HEI YUD, WHICH IS AN INDICATION OF JUDGMENTS. (End of Ra'aya Meheimna).