183. He opened the discussion saying, "A loving hind and a pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and be you ravished always in her love" (Mishlei 5:19). O Torah, Torah, light of all worlds, how many seas and rivers and fountains and springs spread from you to all directions. From you comes everything, upon you are based higher and lower beings. The supernal light emanates from you. Torah, Torah, what shall I tell you? You are a loving hind and a pleasant roe. Those above and below are your admirers who would deserve to properly suckle from you. Torah, Torah, the delight of your Master, who is capable of revealing and speaking of the concealed and stored in you? He cried, placed his head between his knees and kissed the dust.
184. During this, RABBI SHIMON noticed several faces of his friends surrounding him. They told him, Do not fear, son of Yochai, do not be frightened, Holy Luminary, it is written that you shall rejoice in the happiness of your Master. He wrote all these things that he heard that night and he repeated them and studied them, and forgot nothing. The candle light illuminated for him all that night until the approach of the morning. When morning came, he raised his eyes and noticed a light that was bright in the sky. He lowered his eyes downwards, repeated again and saw light that was brightening the whole firmament. On that light emerged the form of the house, MEANING THE TEMPLE, SHOWING THAT THE UNION WAS ACHIEVED BETWEEN MALCHUT AND ZEIR ANPIN, pictured in several scenarios. Rabbi Shimon rejoiced and instantly the light was hidden away.
185. Meanwhile, two emissaries arrived. They found him with his head between his knees. They told him, Peace be on you, my lord, peace to whom higher and lower beings wish to welcome. Rise. Rabbi Shimon rose and rejoiced with them. They said to him, Have you not seen the satisfaction that your Master had for you? You have beheld the light of the Temple in the firmament, MEANING THE ILLUMINATION OF THE UNION OF MALCHUT WITH ZEIR ANPIN THAT IS REFERRED TO AS FIRMAMENT. He told them, I have seen. They said to him, At the same time, the Holy One, blessed be He, removed the abyss of the Temple, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and transferred it through the great ocean, THAT IS BINAH. From its light, there was a shining in the firmament - THE FORM OF THE TEMPLE, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE UNION.
186. They said to him, The head of the Yeshivah sends you greetings, since he is aware that we are emissaries to you. Many new items from Atik concerning the Torah were told this night. He said to them, I beg you please say something from them. They said to him, We are not allowed TO REVEAL TO YOU by the fact that we came here to you. However, we have one new point for you at present.