118. Rabbi Elazar was sitting one day before his father, Rabbi Shimon, and asked him, If the 'End of all Flesh,' WHICH IS THE OTHER SIDE, enjoys those sacrifices that Yisrael offered upon the altar or not. He answered that all derived their nourishment, both above and below.
119. Come and behold: the priests, the Levites and Yisrael are THE SECRET OF THE THREE COLUMNS - RIGHT, LEFT AND CENTRAL - AND ARE called 'man', through the union of the holy desires that rise from them, AS MAYIN NUKVIN (FEMALE WATERS). DESIRE RISES FROM THE PRIESTS BY THEIR WORK; FROM THE LEVITES BY THEIR SINGING; AND FROM YISRAEL BY THEIR ATTENDANCE AT THE TIME OF THE OFFERINGS OF THE SACRIFICE. And when a sheep, or a deer or any other animal is brought to be sacrificed, all sins and evil desires and intentions must be confessed over them. Then the sacrifice is called 'a beast,' as it is now burdened with all the sins and evil intentions THAT WERE CONFESSED OVER IT.
120. This is similar to the sacrifice of the scapegoat, of which it is written: "and he shall confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Yisrael" (Vayikra 16:21). So here as well, OVER EVERY SACRIFICE, THERE SHOULD BE A CONFESSION OF THE SINS. Because when the sacrifice is raised upon the altar AND IS NOT SENT TO THE DESERT, it bears a twofold burden, each of which is raised to its own place. The first is the secret of man, WHICH IS ALSO THE SECRET OF THE THREE COLUMNS; the latter is in the secret of the beast, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE ILLUMINATION OF THE LEFT COLUMN ONLY, as it is written: "Hashem, You preserve man and beast" (Tehilim 36:7).
121. Fried meal offerings and all other meal offerings arouse the Holy Spirit, NAMELY THE ASPECT OF MAN, through the desire of the priests, the singing of the Levites and the prayer of Yisrael, WHO COLLECTIVELY ARE THE SECRET OF THE THREE COLUMNS. And from the smoke, the oil and the flour that rise UPON THE ALTAR, all the prosecutors replenish themselves, and are appeased. Once appeased, they become powerless to pursue the indictment that has been delivered into their hands, AND THEY ARE CONSIDERED TO BE THE ASPECT OF THE BEAST. SO THE MEAL OFFERINGS PERTAIN TO MAN AND BEAST ALIKE, and both are drawn at the same time. IN OTHER WORDS, BOTH MAN AND BEAST ARE DRAWN AT THE TIME OF THE SACRIFICIAL OFFERING. Come and behold: everything is arranged in accordance with the secret of faith - both sides are replenished and sent above up to the Endless Light.