55. Also, three tenth measures are THREE TIMES YUD, YUD AND YUD IN YUD HEI VAV HEI WHEN FULLY SPELLED OUT, TOTALING TO 63. They are the precepts after this one to set aside a thanks offering. And the rabbis, the sages of the Mishnah set it that a thanking is equal to twenty tenth measures, and they are divided into ten tenth measures for leavened bread and ten for unleavened. From the ten of unleavened, they produce thirty Matzot and, from the ten of leavened bread, they produce ten challot (lit. 'dough cakes'). That is the meaning of: "unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil" (Vayikra 2:4). From the ten tenth measures - WHICH ARE THE TEN LETTERS OF YUD HEI VAV HEI FULLY SPELLED TO THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 63, which are Yud-Vav-Dalet, Hei-Yud, Vav-Aleph- Vav, Hei-Yud, they made thirty Matzot that are Yud, Yud and Yud, THAT IS, IN THE YUD HEI VAV HEI OF 63. THIS IS BECAUSE IN NUMERICAL VALUE THEY ARE THIRTY, THE SECRET OF THE THREE TENTH MEASURES, AS EXPLAINED ABOVE. This Name - YUD HEI VAV HEI IN THE FULL SPELLING OF '63' - is sometimes to the right, CHESED, and sometimes it is to the left, GVURAH. Sometimes, it is in the center, which is Mercy from every direction, both to the right and left, SINCE THE CENTRAL COLUMN INCLUDES THE RIGHT AND LEFT.
56. Sometimes, the Yud, WHICH REPRESENTS MALCHUT, is in the right, and THAT IS THE SECRET OF why it must never be less than ten Malchuts, SINCE TEN IS THE SECRET OF Yud. Sometimes the Yud, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is on the left, AND THIS IS THE SECRET OF why it must never be less than ten blows of the Shofar, SINCE AT THAT TIME, IT IS CONSIDERED A SHOFAR, LIKE IMA WHO IS ON THE LEFT, AS MENTIONED. Sometimes the Yud, THAT IS, MALCHUT, is in the center, BETWEEN THE RIGHT AND LEFT, WHEN IT IS REFERRED TO AS 'REMEMBRANCE,' CORRESPONDING TO THE NAME ZEIR ANPIN THAT IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN. THAT IS THE SECRET MEANING OF why it must never be less than ten remembrances.