51. The precept after this is to set aside a tithe for the Levi. Thus is the Shechinah from the right side, which is Chesed. The great offering IS GIVEN to the priest, WHO IS CHESED. From the left side, Gvurah, the tithe offering IS GIVEN, REFERRING TO THE OFFERING OF TITHE belonging to Levi, which is the Shechinah ON THE LEFT SIDE.
52. THE YUD HEI VAV HEI OF THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 63, WHICH IS Yud-Vav-Dalet, Hei-Yud, Vav-Aleph-Vav, Hei-Yud, IS THE SECRET OF IMA, WHICH IS LEFT IN RELATION TO ABA, WHO IS YUD HEI VAV HEI OF NUMERICAL VALUE OF 72, SINCE 72 AND 63 ARE RIGHT AND LEFT. It is "three tenth measures shall you offer for a bullock" (Bemidbar 28:28), THAT IS, THE THREE YUD'S OF THE NAME OF THE FULL SPELLING OF 63, CALLED THE 'THREE TENTH MEASURES.' THIS IS SAID OF AN OX BECAUSE IT IS of that side about which is said, "and they four had the face of an ox on the left side" (Yechezkel 1:10). That is Gvurah, MEANING THE LEFT COLUMN. "...a tenth measure for one lamb..." That totals ten letters -Yud-Vav-Dalet-Hei-Aleph-Vav-Aleph-Vav-Hei-Aleph, and that is a tenth measure. THE TEN LETTERS and these ten LETTERS AMOUNT NUMERICALLY to Mem-Hei (= 45), and Mem-Hei is one hundred (Heb. meah), AS EXPLAINED ABOVE.
53. Three tenth measures ALLUDE TO THE SETTING ASIDE OF THE DOUGH OFFERING, WHICH IS APPLICABLE TO A DOUGH OF THE SIZE OF FORTY THREE AND ONE FIFTH OF AN EGG'S SIZE. The three Yuds OF THE YUD HEI VAV HEI OF 63 ARE THREE LETTERS amounting to THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF THIRTY AND TOGETHER TOTAL 33, AND WITH the ten Sfirot in them - IN THE THREE YUD'S - totaling 43, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF 43 eggs. All this is Yud, SINCE THE NUMBER 43 IS DERIVED FROM THAT YUD, WHICH ARE THE THREE LETTERS OF YUD IN THE FULL SPELLING OF YUD HEI VAV HEI OF 63, AND THEIR AMOUNT IS THIRTY PLUS THE TEN SFIROT. The fifth of an egg's size that is added TO THE MEASURE OF 43 EGGS' SIZE, is due to the Hei, SINCE MALCHUT HAS THE ASPECT OF YUD AND THE ASPECT OF HEI. So the tithe, of the commandment that Yisrael are required to set aside a tithe, is due to the letter Yud IN MALCHUT, which is tithe of a tithe, MEANING THAT MALCHUT IS ONE OF TEN SFIROT AND NINE OF THE SFIROT ARE PART OF HER. THEREFORE, IT IS THE SECRET OF YUD and it is one of five SFIROT from the aspect of Hei. Anywhere it says ten, it is from the letter Yud, which is the Shechinah, which is one of ten Sfirot. One of five is from the aspect of Tiferet, due to the fact THAT TIFERET is the fifth of Keter, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH AND BINAH, CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET. When you count from Malchut to Tiferet, you will find that Tiferet is the fifth from bottom upwards. THAT IS, MALCHUT, YESOD, HOD, NETZACH AND TIFERET and the Shechinah is the fifth to it, TO TIFERET, AND ALL THESE FOUR - TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD, ILLUMINATE IN HER. THEREFORE, SHE IS THE SECRET OF HEI (= 5), SINCE FROM THIS HEI, THE ADDITION COMES OF ONE FIFTH OF THE EGG SIZE, AS EXPLAINED ABOVE.
54. From the aspect OF MALCHUT, there are "two tenth measures for one ram" (Bemidbar 28:28) SINCE, "TWO TENTHS MEASURES" ARE TWO YUD'S and she is included in, "the golden spoons...weighing ten shekels apiece" (Bemidbar 7:86). Ten apiece is Yud FROM THE RIGHT, Hei-Hei, WHICH ARE A FULLY SPELLED HEI, FROM THE LEFT, THAT IN NUMERICAL EQUIVALENT TOTALS YUD (= 10). "...For one ram..." is Vav, which is the shekel of the sanctuary, WHICH IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN THAT BALANCES (HEB. SHOKEL) AND OUTWEIGHS THEM. That is the meaning of "the golden spoons...weighing ten shekels apiece (lit. 'ten ten')" SINCE THE SPOON, WHICH IS MALCHUT, IS COMPRISED OF YUD (TEN) FROM THE RIGHT AND YUD (TEN) FROM THE LEFT. "THE SHEKEL OF THE SANCTUARY" IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN THAT IS THE VAV. "...Two tenth measures for one ram..." are the Yud-Yud of "Vayyitzer (Eng. 'formed')" (Beresheet 2:19). "...For one ram..." is that Vav of "Vayyitzer." All this is in THE FORM OF an Aleph, WHOSE FORM IS a Yud above and a Yud below, WHICH INDICATES TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT, while the Vav in the middle INDICATES THE Central Column.