68. (THE BEGINNING IS MISSING) echo (lit. 'daughter of sound'), WHICH IS MALCHUT, is in exile until you come for her, since you are her sound SINCE MALCHUT IS THE SECRET OF SPEECH; MOSES, ZEIR ANPIN, IS THE SOUND IN SPEECH, AND SPEECH IS THE DAUGHTER OF SOUND. IT IS CALLED DAUGHTER since every wife is a daughter to her husband, as it is written, "took her for his own daughter" (Ester 2:7). SHE IS THEREFORE CALLED DAUGHTER OF SOUND. She is betrothed to you since you have not come under the Chupah, WHICH IS REDEMPTION, with her.
69. It is said, "and the betrothed maiden cried out, but there was none to save her" (Devarim 22:27). So does the Shechinah, the highest mother, cry for Her children, WHO ARE YISRAEL, but there is none to save them AND TAKE THEM OUT TO REDEEM THEM, until the Central Pillar, ZEIR ANPIN, will come for Her, who is the savior. For Her it is said, "behold, our king comes to you. He is just, and victorious" (Zecharyah 9:9). He is savior above and you below. And since you have His form OF ZEIR ANPIN it is said of you, "But as for you, stand here by Me" (Devarim 5:28). All Yisrael returned to their tents but you do not, until the final redemption. Who caused that? The mixed multitude, because of whom, "he threw the tablets out of his hands" (Shemot 32:20). From that time THE SHECHINAH FELL and was not redeemed from the mixed multitude of whom it says, "And a mixed multitude went up also with them" (Shemot 12:38). Nevertheless, they do not separate from Yisrael and the maidservant DOES NOT SEPARATE from her mistress until the final redemption.
70. You are the King's son; according to your example we deduced about the Central Pillar in all THINGS. Your joy shall be like its joy when it will come to redeem the Shechinah, "which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber..." (Tehilim 19:6). For Her garments in exile are dark, and when she wears them she says, "Do not gaze upon me, because I am black" (Shir Hashirim 1:6). They are the Klipot, Destroyer, Anger and Wrath, WHICH ARE CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF THE KLIPOT, NAMELY THE MALE OF THE KLIPAH THAT INCLUDES THEM. His evil female is an evil maidservant. She is Shabtai (Eng. 'Saturn') OF WHOM IT SAYS, "and a handmaid that is heir to her mistress" (Mishlei 30:23), who is Queen Shabbat. Destroyer, Anger and Wrath, WHICH ARE CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF THE KLIPAH, surround the three patriarchs, WHO ARE CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF HOLINESS.