52. For that reason the sages of the Mishnah explained that action, not talk, is more valuable. In another place they said that one whose fear of sin precedes his wisdom, his wisdom prevails... One's fear of sin is supernal Ima, BINAH THAT IS CALLED repentance. Chochmah is supernal Aba. And when one precedes small Hei, NAMELY MALCHUT, which is the precepts, the Torah, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN that is Vav, rests on him. And when he places fear, which is upper Hei, before Chochmah, Chochmah rests on him, which is Yud, and he is called a son, NAMELY THE SON OF YUD HEI. Hence, "You are the children of Hashem your Elohim" (Devarim 14:1).
53. This is, "this is My name (Heb. shmi)," Yud Hei, "forever, and this is My memorial (Heb. zichri)" (Shemot 3:15), Vav Hei. 'Shmi' plus Yud Hei IS IN NUMERICAL VALUE 365, and 'zichri' plus Vav Hei IS IN NUMERICAL VALUE 248. All together HAVE THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 613, namely the 613 commandments given to the holy children so they will have a portion in His name. This is the meaning of, "For Hashem's portion is His people" (Devarim 32:9).
54. When one puts the Torah before the precepts or wisdom before fear, the Name turns for him into the female aspect, into the attribute of Judgment thus: Hei Vav Hei Yud. FOR WHEN THE NAME IS WRITTEN STRAIGHT IT INDICATES THE QUALITY OF MERCY AND WHEN IT IS BACKWARD IT INDICATES THE QUALITY OF JUDGMENT. Everything turns into Judgment for such a man and his Torah sustenance is as difficult to acquire as the splitting of the red sea. Redemption WILL BE similar. If they have merit, they will come out with mercy, as it is written, "before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child" (Yeshayah 66:7), and they shall come out with mercy. It is good if suffering and Judgment precede SO AS TO DRAW mercy, which is why the sages of the Mishnah said, 'as the suffering so the reward.'
55. When the Nefesh comes out, WHEN IT IS BORN INTO THE WORLD, it is in pain before it comes out, NAMELY LABOR PAIN, but after it has come out it is in a state of mercy. This is the meaning of, "They shall come with weeping" and then, "and with supplications will I lead them" (Yirmeyah 31:8). For that reason, "it is a time of trouble to Jacob; but he shall be saved out of it" (Yirmeyah 30:7), and they shall come out with mercy. Just like the Holy One, blessed be He, sent out the dove, AS NOAH IS OF THE ASPECT OF YESOD, but she did not find a place to rest, AS IT IS WRITTEN, "BUT THE DOVE FOUND NO REST" (BERESHEET 8:9), so did he send for you, Faithful Shepherd first. HE SENT FOR HIM, BECAUSE HE DID NOT FIND A PLACE TO BE HIDDEN FROM HIM, WHICH IS WHY HE WAS REVEALED TO HIM.
56. It is written of them, "And he looked this way and that, and when he saw that there was no man" (Shemot 2:12), WHICH MEANS HE SAW they were all guilty and there was no man among them who had the merit to get out of exile. For that reason, you refused to go there but said, "Send, I pray You, by the hand of him whom You will send" (Shemot 4:13). Yet NOW you are like at that time OF THE EXODUS FROM EGYPT. In you it shall be fulfilled together with Yisrael, "As in the days of your coming out of the land of Egypt I will show him marvelous things" (Michah 7:15). During the last exile He will send with you two Messiahs, MESSIAH, SON OF JOSEPH, AND MESSIAH, SON OF DAVID, who correspond to the two wings of the dove, WHO IS THE SHECHINAH, because you are in the fourth exile like a body without wings. Moreover, at first Yisrael was like a body, and you and Aaron like the two wings of the dove, with which Yisrael flew OUT OF EXILE.