134. Faithful Shepherd, when the night of watchfulness, WHICH IS THE SHECHINAH, has power over the vessels of Pesach, everybody should be guarded, kept from Chametz and any kind of leaven. Every food and drink SHOULD BE watched, and whoever keeps them from Chametz and leaven, his body is kept from the Evil Inclination below, and his soul IS KEPT from above, and it says of it, "nor shall evil dwell with you" (Tehilim 5:5), for his body becomes holy and his soul the holy of holies. And it says of the Evil Inclination, "No stranger shall eat of the holy thing" (Vayikra 22:10), "and the stranger that comes near shall be put to death" (Bemidbar 1:51).
135. Pesach is the right arm, which is Abraham, NAMELY CHESED, refined silver. Whoever mixes lead in it is false to it. Similarly, for anyone who mixes Chametz or leaven at all in the Matzah it is as if he is false to the King's coin, WHICH IS MALCHUT CALLED MATZAH. So is whoever mingles any admixture into his drop of semen BY FORBIDDEN INTERCOURSE OR BY THINKING OF SOMEONE ELSE, as if he is false to the King's seal, WHICH IS YESOD. For they are interdependent - THE DEED BELOW CAUSES DAMAGE ABOVE.