1. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "And they shall fine him a hundred shekels of silver..." (Devarim 22:19). We are commanded to punish whoever defames someone's character. This is the meaning of, "and they shall fine him a hundred shekels of silver, and give them to the father of the girl, because he has brought out an evil name upon a virgin of Yisrael." THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD SAID, Sages, this applies to after the wedding, since he says, "I found not your daughter a virgin" (Ibid. 17). Not all evil names are alike, since the spies who spread an evil name on the land were punished for it by dying and not meriting it. A woman is like ground, WHICH IS WHY THE SPIES WERE CONSIDERED AS ONE DEFAMING THE CHARACTER OF A WOMAN. It is like the explanation that Esther was the ground.
2. You may say that Esther has a bad reputation BY SAYING that she was defiled with Ahasuerus, YET she was worthy that the Holy Spirit, WHICH IS MALCHUT, would be clothed in her as it is written, "Esther put on her royal apparel" (Ester 5:1). IN THAT CASE, YOU ARE BRINGING OUT AN EVIL NAME ON MALCHUT. Yet the Holy One, blessed be He, said, "I am Hashem, that is My name, and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to carved idols" (Yeshayah 42:8), WHICH IS THE SHECHINAH CALLED 'NAME,' 'GLORY' AND 'PRAISE.' The Holy Spirit is the Shechinah and is a name that was clothed with Esther. HOW CAN YOU SAY SHE WAS DEFILED WITH AHASUERUS?
3. Yet sages, woe to those who eat the chaff and ears of corn of the Torah, THAT IS, WHOSE TORAH IS MIXED OF GOOD AND EVIL LIKE CHAFF AND EARS OF CORN THAT ARE A MIXTURE OF FOOD AND KLIPOT. Such a man knows nothing of the mysteries of the Torah, but only light and weighty precepts; the light is the chaff of the Torah, NAMELY THE REFUSE, and the weighty precepts of the Torah are wheat, WHICH CONTAINS BOTH FOOD AND REFUSE. CHET AND TET OF WHEAT (HEB. CHITAH) ARE THE REFUSE AND HEI IS GOOD. THIS IS THE SECRET OF the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, AS THE SAGES SAID THAT THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL WAS WHEAT.
4. It is not the custom of the King and the Matron to ride a donkey (Heb. chamor), NAMELY THE LITERAL UNDERSTANDING (HEB. CHOMER) OF THE TORAH, WHICH IS WHEAT AND THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL AS MENTIONED. Instead they ride on horses, THE SECRET OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE TORAH. This is the meaning of, "you ride upon your horses, your chariots of salvation" (Chavakuk 3:8). For Malchut is not treated lightly so as to have the Queen ride on a donkey, and even more so the King, for it is no place for commoners and servants, THAT IS METATRON THAT IS CALLED A COMMONER AND A SERVANT, whose way is to ride a donkey. This is why it says of the Messiah, WHEN YISRAEL WILL HAVE NO MERIT, "humble (Heb. ani), and riding upon an donkey" (Zecharyah 9:9). Ani stands for the Mishnah orders of Eruvin, Nidah and Yevamot, THE INITIALS OF WHICH FORM 'ANI (ENG. 'POOR').' The rest of the orders of the Mishnah are comprised in these, WHICH INDICATES THAT AS LONG AS ONE DOES NOT KNOW THE MYSTERIES OF THE TORAH BUT ONLY THE REVEALED TORAH, ONE IS POOR IN KNOWLEDGE AND RIDING UPON AN DONKEY, WHICH IS THE ASPECT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, is not considered a King until He rides on His horse, which is the Congregation of Yisrael, NAMELY MALCHUT, ACCORDING TO THE SECRET OF, "I COMPARE YOU, O MY LOVE, TO A MARE OF THE CHARIOTS OF PHARAOH" (SHIR HASHIRIM 1:9), WHICH IS WHOLLY GOOD WITHOUT ANY EVIL.
5. The Holy One, blessed be He, outside His place is not a King. When He returns to His place, "Hashem shall be King" (Zecharyah 14:9). It is said of Yisrael as well that all Yisrael are princes. Like the father the children are not princes until they return to the land of Yisrael. You may say that he WHO RIDES A DONKEY is a commoner, AND HE ANSWERS, though he is a commoner in relation to his Master, do not treat lightly a blessing from a commoner, for this commoner is the servant Metatron, AND IT IS HE WHO RIDES THIS DONKEY. The first man, who did not keep the glory he was given BY EATING OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, was brought down to eat together with his donkey, WHICH IS THE ASPECT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL and he said TO THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, I and my donkey shall eat from the same trough. Issachar merited this donkey by being called, "Issachar is a strong donkey" (Beresheet 49:14), BECAUSE HE SUBDUED THIS DONKEY CALLED A STRONG (HEB. GEREM) DONKEY BY BRINGING HIM DOWN THE STAIRCASE (HEB. GEREM).
6. The sages who wrote the Mishnah SAID THAT it is said of the Matron, WHO IS MALCHUT, "and His kingdom rules over all" (Tehilim 103:19), SINCE SHE RULES OVER THE KLIPOT AS WELL. THEREFORE, after Esther put on THE ROYAL APPAREL, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SECRET OF THE VERSE, "ESTHER PUT ON HER ROYAL APPAREL (HEB. MALCHUT)," Esther ruled over Ahasuerus and his people, and it is said of them, "and slew of their foes" (Ester 9:16). If you say that AHASUERUS mated with her, heaven forbid. Though they were in the same house, SHE DID NOT MATE WITH HIM, but was like Joseph of whom it says, "And she laid up his garment (Heb. bigdo) by her" (Beresheet 39:16). The word bigdo is employed, which is derived from, "traitors have dealt treacherously (Heb. bagdu)" (Yeshayah 24:16). THIS IS HIS MOST OUTER ASPECT, WHICH THE KLIPOT CAN BE ATTACHED TO.
7. There is a great mystery here, which is why 'Esther' is derived from mystery (Heb. seter), as it is written, "You are my hiding place (Heb. seter)" (Tehilim 32:7), since the Shechinah hid her from Ahasuerus and gave him a female demon instead while she returned to Mordechai's arm. And Mordechai, who knew the explicit Name and the seventy tongues, did all this with wisdom. This is why the sages of the Mishnah stated that even regardless of this, a man must speak with his wife before he mates with her, because she might have been exchanged with a female demon.
8. This is true for a woman who comes from the aspect of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, AND AN EXCHANGE WITH A FEMALE DEMON APPLIES TO HER, but if she is from the Shechinah she remains unchanged. This is the meaning of, "For I am Hashem, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6). "I" is the Shechinah, who has no fear from the other sides, NAMELY THE KLIPOT. This is the meaning of, "All nations before Him are as nothing" (Yeshayah 40:17).
9. Wherever the Shechinah is, there are many special attributes. Hence, since the Shechinah was clothed in her, Esther was worthy of having special things done to her like Sarah, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, kept, and since the Shechinah was with her He kept her from Pharaoh. The Holy One, blessed be He even made her clothes and jewels have special qualities due to the Shechinah that was with her. For that reason, when Pharaoh came to TOUCH her sandal, THE ANGEL struck him with it, and the same happened with all her jewelry. Each jewel he would touch struck him until that defiled one left her and brought her back to her husband.
10. If this is true for her jewels, it is much more so that whoever touched her body, even her finger, for the purpose of mating, THEN, "and the stranger that comes near shall be put to death" (Bemidbar 1:51), since the Holy One, blessed be He, did not give him permission to come near her. This is the meaning of, "I am Hashem, that is My name, and My glory will I not give to another" (Yeshayah 42:8).