96. HE ANSWERS: The meaning is that the lower world, WHICH IS MALCHUT, depends on the Upper World, WHICH IS THE ZEIR ANPIN, and the supernal world TRANSFERS TO THE LOWER WORLD according to the ways of the lower world. THEREFORE, "His throne shall be established in Righteousness (Heb. chesed)" (Mishlei 25:4), for he who desires to bless it and to establish His throne, WHICH IS THE LOWER WORLD, SHALL ESTABLISH IT with chesed and not with Judgment. HE ASKS AGAIN: What is the meaning OF ESTABLISHING IT IN CHESED? HE ANSWERS: When the priest enters into the Temple, WHICH IS MALCHUT, he should enter with Mercy, which is water, and not with the wine he drank, for that is Gvurah. He is to enter with water, and not to enter with wine.