"He did neither eat bread nor drink water"
After two days of continual discussion without food or water, Rabbi Shimon quotes the title verse to Rabbi Elazar. He observes that since they were caught up in Divine contemplation for just two days, forgetting to eat or drink, it is understandable that when Moses "was there with Hashem forty days and forty nights, he did neither eat bread nor drink water."
Upon hearing this, Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel compares Rabbi Shimon to a fearful lion, different to other lions. He explains that Rabbi Shimon is so close to God that he does not order a fast for what he prays for; he simply decrees and God fulfills. Moreover, he may even annul God's decrees, for as God rules over man, the righteous man rules over God.
God neither punishes nor rewards. The Light of God is an endless force of sharing and goodness, in existence for all eternity. If we liken this force to electrical current, we understand that one can interact with the force in a positive and productive manner or one can short-circuit and cause oneself extreme pain. When we channel the Light of the Creator in a sharing manner, we are pure conduits of Divine energy. As Light flows through us to others, we experience endless joy and fulfillment. However, When we we connect to this Force through ego, we create a short-circuit and we are hurt.
One who masters his own ego receives infinite Light, power, and oneness with God. Thus, the ability to achieve mind over matter and absolute control over physical reality is placed in the palm of one's hands. Though, for millennia, mankind has failed to internalize this truth, it is our destiny to attain this level of mastery.
The Light of the Creator gave us the gift of the Zohar. On the merit of Rabbi Shimon, the revered Kabbalist who attained the highest level of spirituality and control, we can now annul all decrees set forth against this world and against ourselves. We can shift the destiny of humanity from a final Redemption of pain, suffering, and destruction to one of mercy, compassion, and wonders.