60. He opened the discussion and said: "A son honors his father, and a servant his master" (Malachi 1:6). "A son honors his father," as it says, "Honor your father and your mother" (Shemot 20:12). It has been explained THAT HONORS ARE SHOWN in food, drink, and in everything during his life. If you think that he is exempt from honoring him after his death, it is not so. Since he is dead, it behooves one to honor him more, as it is written, "Honor your father" - AFTER HIS DEATH AS WELL. If the son treads the crooked way, he surely despises his father and disgraces him. If the son treads the way of Truth and amends his actions, he honors his father. He honors him in this world among men, and honors him in the World to Come by the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, has compassion for him, and puts him on His Throne of Glory. Surely, "A son honors his father."
61. Rabbi Elazar for example, who honored his father in this world and in that world, now increases the praise of Rabbi Shimon in both worlds - in this world and in the World to Come, more so than during his life, for he merited holy sons and holy scions. Happy are the righteous, who merit holy children and holy scions. It says of them, "all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which Hashem has blessed" (Yeshayah 61:9).