86. Rabbi Chizkiyah opened the discussion saying, "Hashem Elohim has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know to sustain him that is weary" (Yeshayah 50:4). How fortunate are Yisrael that the Holy One, blessed be He, chose them from among all nations and called them "holy," as it is written, "Yisrael is holy to Hashem" (Yirmeyah 2:3). He gave them a share to maintain the Holy Name. With what right can they hold on to the Holy Name? It is because they merited the Torah, as anyone who merits Torah merits his portion in the Holy One, blessed be He.
87. We have learned before my master what is Holiness - It is perfection of all called the highly sublime Chochmah, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF SUPERNAL ABA AND IMA. From this place flows the holy anointing oil through known paths to the place called supernal Binah, THE SECRET OF YISRAEL-SABA AND TEVUNAH. From there, flow streams and fountains in every direction, MEANING BOTH TO CHOCHMAH AND TO CHASSADIM until they reach this zot (Eng. 'this'), NAMELY MALCHUT. When blessed, this zot is called holiness and is called Chochmah and we call her the Spirit of the Holiness, meaning spirit, NAMELY THE SIX ENDS, from this holiness of higher above, MEANING THE SIX EXTREMITIES OF CHOCHMAH. When the secrets of Torah exit and stir from her, she is then called 'the holy tongue.'
88. When the anointing oil flows to these two pillars, referred to as "students of Hashem" (Yeshayah 54:13), and are called Tzevaot, NAMELY NETZACH AND HOD, it gathers there. When it exits from there through that level called Yesod AND ARRIVES at the smaller Chochmah THAT IS MALCHUT, KNOWN AS THE SMALL CHOCHMAH BECAUSE IT CONTAINS ONLY SIX CORNERS OF CHOCHMAH AS EXPLAINED EARLIER, it is called the 'tongue of the learned.' FROM HER, it goes out to awaken the sublime holy beings. At that point, it is written, "Hashem Elohim has given me the tongue of the learned." Why? "That I should know how to sustain him that weary." The Holy One, blessed be He, gave this to the holy luminary, Rabbi Shimon. Furthermore, he raised him higher and higher TO UPPER WORLDS. For this reason, all his words are said manifestly, and are not concealed. About him, it is written, "With him I speak mouth to mouth, manifestly, and not in dark speeches" (Bemidbar 12:8).