27. Then it is written: "Then shall He speak to them in His wrath, and terrify them in His burning anger" (Tehilim 2:5). Such is the way for the wicked. The Holy One, blessed be He, at first shines on them and shows them favor, as the wine sheds light at first, and then rages and kills. The Holy One, blessed be He, draws the wicked to Him, SO THEY WILL REPENT. If they turn to Him, all is well. If they do not turn to Him, He destroys them and removes them from the World to Come. They have no share in it and they are lost to everything. If they desire to be purified, they are helped. The Holy One, blessed be He, purifies them and brings them close to Him and calls peace upon them, as it is written: "Peace, peace, both for far and near says Hashem" (Yeshayah 57:19).