The ascension of prayer
Rabbi Yosi tells us about the external service of deeds that relies on the twelve outer limbs, and the internal service of prayer that relies on the twelve internal organs of the body. A man's prayer is considered a worship of the Ruach, and it has great power above. Rabbi Yosi goes on to tell of the rulers of the day and the rulers of the night, who are all different. Prayer ascends to them; if the man is righteous they kiss the prayer and it ascends even higher. We are told of many guardians, first of the four sides, and then of the guardians of the firmaments. Rabbi Yosi says that on the east the twelve letters of the Holy Name soar and ascend with the prayer. The prayers of those who pray broken-heartedly ascend to the south, while the prayers of those who pray for deliverance from enemies ascend to the north. After the prayers ascend to the four directions they are escorted up and through the firmaments into their gates. As the prayer reaches the seventh firmament it unites Zeir Anpin and Malchut, and the righteous man is blessed. Rabbi Yosi then turns to a discussion of the six precepts of the Torah, and describes their meaning in some detail. He says that these six precepts correspond to Chesed, Gvurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. We learn that there are thirteen more precepts that draw the thirteen attributes of mercy; thus the man who puts his heart and will into his prayers to perfect them every day is a happy man. Rabbi Yitzchak reminds us that those who worshipped the golden calf died, and Moses gathered the children of Yisrael together and gave them the laws of Shabbat.
121. He opened with "and said to me, you are My servant..." (Yeshayah 49:3). Here THIS REFERS TO the prayer man should recite before the Holy One, blessed be He, which is a great and precious service among the worships of his Master. Come and see, some worships to the Holy One, blessed be He, are based on deeds, that is, based on physical activity, NAMELY, PRECEPTS BASED ON ACTION; and that is considered a service. And there is worship of the Holy One, blessed be He, that is a more internal worship, which is the essence of all, it has to do with inner work, which is the essence of all, NAMELY, PRECEPTS THAT CONCERN SPEECH AND INTENTION.
121. פָּתַח וְאָמַר, וַיֹּאמֶר לִי עַבְדִּי אַתָּה וְגוֹ', הָכָא בִּצְלוֹתָא דְּבָעֵי בַּר נָשׁ לְצַלָּאָה קַמֵּיהּ דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, דְּאִיהִי פּוּלְחָנָא חֲדָא רַבָּא וְיַקִּירָא, מֵאִינּוּן פּוּלְחָנִין דְּמָארֵיהּ. תָּא חֲזֵי, אִית פּוּלְחָנָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, דְּקַיְּימָא בְּעוֹבָדָא, דְּאִיהוּ פּוּלְחָנָא דְּקַיְּימָא בְּעוֹבָדָא דְּגוּפָא, וְאִיהוּ פּוּלְחָנָא. וְאִית פּוּלְחָנָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, דְּאִיהוּ פּוּלְחָנָא פְּנִימָאָה יַתִּיר, דְּאִיהוּ עִקָרָא דְּכֹלָּא, קַיְּימָא בְּהַהוּא פּוּלְחָנָא פְּנִימָאָה, דְּאִיהוּ עִקָּרָא דְּכֹלָּא.
122. In the body there are twelve organs that relate to physical activity, as we said, WHICH ARE TWO ARMS AND TWO LEGS; THREE JOINTS IN EACH, AND THREE TIMES FOUR ARE TWELVE. These are the members of the body, and the worship of the Holy One, blessed be He, THROUGH action related PRECEPTS is based on them. For there are two ways to serve the Holy One, blessed be He: THE FIRST IS by the outer limbs, THE TWELVE JOINTS OF THE ARMS AND LEGS; THE SECOND TALKS OF the twelve internal organs inside the body, THE BRAIN, HEART, LIVER, MOUTH, TONGUE, THE FIVE LOBES OF THE LUNG AND TWO KIDNEYS. They are the internal fixtures inside the body, with which to establish the Ruach, which is the inner and precious worship of the Holy One, blessed be He. THESE PRECEPTS ARE BASED ON SPEECH, SUCH AS PRAYER, BENEDICTION AND THANKSGIVING, as we explained from the inner secrets that Rabbi Shimon told, and it is the secret of the supernal wisdom, that is known among the friends, happy is their portion.
122. בְּגוּפָא אִית תְּרֵיסָר שַׁיְיפִין, דְּקַיְימִין בְּעוֹבָדָא דְּגוּפָא, כְּמָה דְּאוֹקִימְנָא. וְאִינּוּן שַׁיְיפִין דְּגוּפָא, וּפוּלְחָנָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, דְּעוֹבָדָא קַיְּימָא בְּהוּ. בְּגִין דְּפוּלְחָנָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, בִּתְרֵין סִטְרִין, שַׁיְיפִין דְּגוּפָא לְבַר, וְאִית תְּרֵיסָר שַׁיְיפִין אַחֲרָנִין, פְּנִימָאִין לְגוֹ מִן גּוּפָא. וְאִינּוּן תִּקּוּנִין פְּנִימָאִין לְגוֹ מִן גּוּפָא, לְאִתְתַּקְנָא בְּהוּ תִּקּוּנָא דְּרוּחָא, דְּאִיהוּ פּוּלְחָנָא יַקִּירָא פְּנִימָאָה דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, כְּמָה דְּאוֹקִימְנָא גּוֹ רָזִין פְּנִימָאִין דְּקָאָמַר ר"ש, וְאִינּוּן רָזָא דְּחָכְמְתָא עִלָּאָה, וְאִתְיְדִיעוּ בֵּינֵי חַבְרַיָּא, זַכָּאָה חוּלָקֵהוֹן.
123. A man's prayer is considered the worship of the Ruach, WHICH IS OF THE SECOND KIND OF SERVICE MENTIONED ABOVE THAT CONCERNS SPEECH. It is based on supernal secrets, but men do not know that a man's prayer can cleave the ether and the firmaments, opens gates and ascends.
123. צְלוֹתָא דְּבַר נָשׁ, אִיהוּ פּוּלְחָנָא דְּרוּחָא, וְאִיהוּ קַיְּימָא בְּרָזִין עִלָּאִין, וּב"נ לָא יַדְעִין, דְּהָא צְלוֹתָא דְּבַר נָשׁ בַּקְעָת אֲוִירִין, בַּקְעָת רְקִיעִין, פַּתְחָת פִּתְחִין, וְסַלְּקָא לְעֵילָּא.
124. And when the MORNING light breaks, and the light is separated from darkness, a proclamation sounds in all the firmaments: be ready, rulers of the gates, rulers of the chambers, each one in his post, for those who rule by day are not those who rule by night. And when night comes, the day rulers withdraw and other rulers are assigned to rule by night. And they interchange.
124. בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְּנָהִיר נְהוֹרָא, וְאִתְפְּרָשׁ נְהוֹרָא מִן חֲשׁוֹכָא, כְּדֵין כָּרוֹזָא אָזְלָא בְּכֻלְּהוּ רְקִיעִין, אִתְתָּקָנוּ מָארֵי דְּפִתְחִין, מָארֵיהוֹן דְּהֵיכָלִין, כָּל חַד וְחַד עַל מַטְרֵיהּ. בְּגִין דְּאִינּוּן דְּשֻׁלְטָנֵיהוֹן בִּימָמָא, לָאו אִינּוּן דְּשֻׁלְטָנֵיהוֹן בְּלֵילְיָא. וְכַד עָאל לֵילְיָא, אִתְעַבְרוּ שׁוּלְטָנִין דִּימָמָא, וְאִתְמְנוּן שֻׁלְטָנִין אַחֲרָנִין, דְּשָׁלִיטִין בְּלֵילְיָא, וְאִתְחַלְּפָן אִלֵּין בְּאִלֵּין.
125. This is the secret of "the greater light to rule by day..." (Beresheet 1:16). The day rulers and night rulers REFER TO those who are in charge by day and those who are in charge by night. The ones are considered the day rule and the others are considered the night rule.
125. וְרָזָא דָּא, אֶת הַמָּאוֹר הַגָּדוֹל לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם וְגוֹ'. וּמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם וּמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַלַּיְלָה, שׁוּלְטָנִין אִינּוּן דִּי מְמָנָן בִּימָמָא, וְשׁוּלְטָנִין אִינּוּן דִּי מְמָנָן בְּלֵילְיָא. וְאִלֵּין אִקְרוּן מֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם. וְאִלֵּין אִקְרוּן מֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַלַּיְלָה.
126. And when night comes, a proclamation resounds, 'be prepared, rulers of the night, each one in his post. And when the day breaks the proclamation resounds, 'be prepared, rulers of the day, each one in his post'. And when the proclamation is heard, each one is assigned a place he is worthy of. Then the Shechinah goes forward and descends, and Yisrael go into the synagogue to praise their Master and start to sing and give thanks.
126. כַּד עָאל לֵילְיָא, כָּרוֹזָא נָפְקָא, אִתְתָּקָנוּ שׁוּלְטָנִין דְּלֵילְיָא, כָּל חַד וְחַד לְאַתְרֵיהּ. וְכַד נָהִיר יְמָמָא, כָּרוֹזָא נָפְקָא, אִתְתָּקָנוּ שׁוּלְטָנִין דִּימָמָא, כָּל חַד וְחַד לְאַתְרֵיהּ. וְכַד כָּרוֹזָא אַכְרִיז, כְּדֵין כֻּלְּהוּ כָּל חַד וְחַד, אִתְפְּקַּד עַל הַהוּא אֲתָר דְּאִתְחָזֵי לֵיהּ. כְּדֵין שְׁכִינְתָּא קַדְמָא, וְנַחְתָּא, וְיִשְׂרָאֵל עָאלִין לְבֵי כְּנִישְׁתָּא, לְשַׁבְּחָא לְמָארֵיהוֹן, פַּתְחִין בְּשִׁירִין וְתוּשְׁבְּחָן.
127. For it is incumbent upon a man to have prepared himself for the worship by deed, TO WIT, OF THE FIRST KIND, with the implements of precepts and holiness, THAT ARE THE FRINGES (HEB. TZITZIT) AND TEFILIN; HE SHOULD consecrate his heart to establish the inner work for his Master, THAT IS, THE SECOND KIND, and put his heart and will to that work by those words IN THE PRAISES, because the speech goes UP.
127. דְּבָעֵי לֵיהּ לְב"נ, כֵּיוָן דְּאַתְקִין גַּרְמֵיהּ בְּפוּלְחָנָא דְּעוֹבָדָא, בְּתִקּוּנֵי דְּמִצְוָה וּקְדוּשָׁה, לְיַחֲדָא לִבֵּיהּ בְּתִקּוּנָא דְּפוּלְחָנָא פְּנִימָאָה דְּמָארֵיהּ, וּלְשַׁוָּאָה לִבֵּיהּ וּרְעוּתֵיהּ בְּהַהוּא פּוּלְחָנָא דְּאִינּוּן מִלִּין, דְּהָא מִלָּה סַלְּקָא.
128. And all those guards who stand in the air, are assigned over the four directions of the world. To the east is appointed one guardian who stands in the air and is called Gzardia. With him are other appointed ministers. They await that utterance of the prayer that rises in the air on that side, and that guardian takes it.
128. וְאִינּוּן מְמָנָן דְּקַיְימִין בַּאֲוִירָא, אִתְמְנּוּן לְד' סִטְרֵי עָלְמָא. לִסְטַר מִזְרָח אִתְמַנָּא מְמָנָא חַד, דְּקַיְּימָא בַּאֲוִירָא לְהַהוּא סִטְרָא, גְּזַרְדִּיָ"א שְׁמֵיהּ, וְעִמֵּיהּ סַרְכִין מְמָנָן אַחֲרָנִין, דְּאִינּוּן מְחַכָּאן לְהַהִיא מִלָּה דִּצְלוֹתָא, וְסַלְּקָא בַּאֲוִירָא בְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא, וְנָטִיל לָהּ הַאי מְמָנָא.
129. And if that speech is proper, all the ministers kiss that speech, and go up with it until they reach the air of that firmament, where there are other ministers. When they kiss that utterance, they open and say, happy are you, Yisrael, who can bedeck their Master with holy crowns. Happy is the mouth, from which that crowning speech came forth.
129. אִי הִיא מִלָּה כַּדְקָא יֵאוֹת, הוּא, וְכָל אִינּוּן סַרְכִין נַשְׁקִין לְהַהִיא מִלָּה, וְסַלְּקִין עִמָּהּ עַד הַהוּא אֲוִירָא דִּרְקִיעָא לְעֵילָּא, דְּתַמָּן מְמָנָן סַרְכִין אַחֲרָנִין. בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְּנַשְּׁקֵי לְהַהִיא מִלָּה, פַּתְחֵי וְאַמְרֵי, זַכָּאִין אַתּוּן יִשְׂרָאֵל, דְּיַדְעִיתּוּ לְאַעְטְרָא לְמָארֵיכוֹן בְּעִטְרִין קַדִּישִׁין זַכָּאָה אִיהוּ פּוּמָא, דְּמִלָּה דְּעַטְרָא דָּא נָפְקָא מִנֵּיהּ.
130. Then the twelve letters of the Holy Name that stand in the air soar, for that name has power over the air. And that is the name Elijah soared with until he went up to heaven. This is the meaning of what Ovadyah told Elijah, "the spirit of Hashem shall carry you" (Melachim I 18:12), for Elijah soared in the air by means of that name that rules the air.
130. כְּדֵין פַּרְחִין אַתְוָון דְּקַיְימִין בַּאֲוִירָא, דְּבִשְׁמָא קַדִּישָׁא דִּתְרֵיסָר אַתְוָון, דְּהַהוּא שְׁמָא שַׁלִּיט בַּאֲוֵירָא, וְהַאי אִיהוּ שְׁמָא, דַּהֲוָה טָאס בֵּיהּ אֵלִיָּה"וּ, עַד דְּאִסְתַּלָּק לִשְׁמַיָּא. וְהַיְינוּ דְּקָאמַר עוֹבַדְיָה לְאֵלִיָּהוּ, וְרוּחַ יְיָ' יִשָּׂאֲךָ. בְּגִין דְּבִשְׁמָא דָּא, הֲוָה אֵלִיָּהוּ טָאס בֵּיהּ בַּאֲוִירָא, וְהַאי אִיהוּ שְׁמָא דְּשַׁלִּיט בַּאֲוִירָא.
131. And these letters soar and ascend with that particular word, and that guard who has the keys to the air, and all the other assigned chiefs all go with it up to the firmament, where another chief is assigned to carry it further up.
131. וְאִינּוּן אַתְוָון פַּרְחִין וְסַלְּקִין בְּהַהִיא מִלָּה, וְהַהוּא מְמָנָא דְּמַפְתְּחָן דְּאַוִּירָא בִּידֵיהּ, וְכָל אִינּוּן מְמָנָן אַחֲרָנִין, כֻּלְּהוּ סַלְּקִין בֵּיהּ עַד רְקִיעָא, וְאִתְמְסָר בִּידָא דִּמְמָנָא אַחֲרָא, לְסַלְּקָא לְעֵילָּא.
132. To the south, CHESED, there is another chieftain who rules the air on that side, and some chiefs and ministers together with him. His name is Pesagniyah. He has the keys to the air on that side, and those who are laden with troubles, and pray brokenheartedly to their Master from the midst of their troubles with a broken heart - if their utterance is worthy, it ascends into the air of that side. There the chieftain receives and kisses it. When he kisses it, he says: may the Holy One, blessed be He, have mercy upon you and be filled with compassion for you.
132. לִסְטַר דָּרוֹם, אִית מְמָנָא אַחֲרָא דְּשַׁלְטָא בַּאֲוִירָא לְהַהוּא סְטָר, וְכַמָּה מְמָנָן אַחֲרָנִין וְסַרְכִין עִמֵּיהּ. פְּסַגְנִיָ"ה שְׁמֵיהּ, וְלֵיהּ אִתְמַסְרָאן מַפְתְּחָן דְּאַוִּירָא לְהַהוּא סְטָר. וְכָל אִינּוּן מָארֵי דְּעָקוּ, דְּצַלָּאן צְלוֹתָא לְמָארֵיהוֹן מִגּוֹ עַקְתָּא, מִגּוֹ תְּבִירוּ דְּלִבָּא, אִי הַהִיא מִלָּה כַּדְקָא יֵאוֹת, סָלְקָא לַאֲוִירָא בְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא, וְנָטִיל לָהּ הַאי מְמָנָא, וְנָשִׁיק לָהּ כַּד נָשִּׁיק לָהּ, פָּתַח וְאָמַר, קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא יָחוֹס עָלָךְ, וּבְגִינָךְ יִתְמְלֵי רַחֲמִין.
133. All the holy ministers and all the chieftains on that side go up with it. For on that side, the letters soar of the Holy Name EHEYEH, OF THE TWELVE-LETTERED NAME, THAT IS, FOUR LETTERS ON EACH SIDE AS MENTIONED. The ministers, who rule over this side of the air, go on that side, up to the SOUTHERN firmament, WHICH IS CHESED, NAMELY, THE SIXTH FIRMAMENT, AS WE EXPOUNDED AT LENGTH, up to the chief of the firmament who governs that SOUTH side. FOR ON THE SOUTHERN FIRMAMENT THERE IS ALREADY ANOTHER MINISTER BY THE NAME OF ANFI'EL.
133. סַלְּקִין עִמָּהּ כָּל אִינּוּן מְמָנָן קַדִּישִׁין, וְכָל אִינּוּן סַרְכִין דְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא. וּפַרְחִין אַתְוָון דִּשְׁמָא קַדִּישָׁא, דְּאִינּוּן ד' אַתְוָון, דְּמִתְעַטְּרִין וְשַׁלְטִין בְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא דַּאֲוִירָא, וְסַלְּקִין בְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא דַּאֲוֵירָא, עַד רְקִיעָא, עַד הַהוּא מְמָנָא דִּרְקִיעָא דְּשַׁלִּיט בְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא.
134. On the northern side, WHICH IS GVURAH, there is another chief WHO RULES THE AIR, and with him some appointed ministers who rule the air; this chief is called Petachiyah and he is in charge over the air on that side. And the utterance of all those who pray for deliverance from enemies who distress them, ascends into the air of that side; if that individual is righteous, the chief accepts and kisses it.
134. לִסְטַר צָפוֹן, אִית מְמָנָא אַחֲרָא, וְעִמֵּיהּ כַּמָה סַרְכִין מְמָנָן דְּשַׁלְטִין בַּאֲוִירָא, וְהַהוּא מְמָנָא פְּתַחְיָ"ה שְׁמֵיהּ, וְהַאי אִתְמַנָּא בַּאֲוִירָא לְהַהוּא סִטְרָא, וְכָל אִינּוּן דִּמְצַלָּאן צְלוֹתִין עַל בַּעֲלֵי דְּבָבוּ דְּעָקִין לוֹן, וְכַד מִלָּה דְּהַהִיא צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא לַאֲוִירָא בְּהַהוּא סִטְרָא, אִי זַכָּאָה הוּא, נָטִיל לָהּ הַאי מְמָנָא, וְנָשִׁיק לָהּ.
135. Then one Ruach is roused and emerges from the abyss on the northern side, and that spirit calls out to all the airs, and they all take that utterance, raise it to the NORTHERN firmament, WHICH IS THE FIFTH FIRMAMENT, and kiss it. They open and say 'may your Master cast your enemy from before you'.
135. כְּדֵין אִתְּעַר רוּחָא חֲדָא דְּנָפְקָא מִגּוֹ תְּהוֹמָא בְּסִטְרָא דְּצָפוֹן, וְהַהוּא רוּחָא קָארֵי בְּכָל אִינּוּן אֲוִירִין, וְנַטְלֵי כֻּלְּהוּ הַהִיא מִלָּה, וְסַלְּקִין לָהּ עַד רְקִיעָא וְנַשְּׁקִין לָהּ. פָּתְחֵי וְאַמְרֵי, מָרָךְ יִרְמֵי שַׂנְאָךְ לְקָמָךְ.
136. HERE STARTS THE SEQUENCE OF THE ASCENSION OF THE PRAYER. THE PRAYER ascends higher and higher and cleaves airs, until it is escorted into the first firmament of Malchut of Asiyah. The prayer ascends and reaches the chief that is appointed over the west side, WHICH IS MALCHUT, where there are nine gates , in which several chieftains are stationed, whose superior is called Zevuli'el.
136. וְאָזְלָא וְסַלְּקָא וּבַקְעָא אֲוִירִין עַד דְּסַלְּקִין עִמָּהּ לְגַבֵּי רְקִיעָא קַדְמָאָה סַלְּקָא צְלוֹתָא, וּמָטָאת לְגַבֵּי חַד מְמָנָא, דְּאִתְמָנָא לִסְטַר מַעֲרָב, וְתַמָּן קַיָּימִין תִּשְׁעָה פִּתְחִין, וּבְהוּ קַיְימִין כַּמָה סַרְכִין, וְכַמָּה מְמָנָן, וְעָלַיְיהוּ מְמָנָא חַד דִּי שְׁמֵיהּ זְבוּלִי"אֵל.
137. And he wants to govern this firmament by day, but was not given permission, until the moonlight shines, NAMELY, BY NIGHT. He then takes out his armies and all the chieftains. When daylight breaks they all ascend through one of the nine gates, which is the most superior. And when the prayer enters that HIGHEST gate, all the ministers and chieftains go out of that gate, with Zevuli'el the superior chief over them. THAT IS, THERE IS NO OTHER CHIEF THERE BUT THE SAID ZEVULI'EL WHO IS APPOINTED OVER THE AIR AND ALSO OVER THAT SUPERIOR GATE, and they all go out and kiss it and come with it to the second firmament.
137. וְדָא אִיהוּ דְּבָעֵי לְשַׁמְּשָׁא בְּהַאי רְקִיעָא בִּימָמָא, וְלָא אִתְיְהִיב לֵיהּ רְשׁוּ, עַד דְּסָלִיק נְהוֹרָא דְּסִיהֲרָא, וּכְדֵין אַפִּיק כָּל אִינּוּן חֵילִין, וְכָל אִינּוּן מְמָנָן. וְכַד נָהִיר יְמָמָא, עָאלִין כֻּלְּהוּ בְּפִתְחָא חֲדָא, דְּאִינּוּן ט' פִּתְחִין, דְּאִיהוּ פִּתְחָא עִלָּאָה עַל כֻּלְּהוּ. וְכַד צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא, עָאלַת בְּהַהוּא פִּתְחָא, וְכֻלְּהוּ סַרְכִין, וְכֻלְּהוּ מְמָנָן, נָפְקִין מֵהַהוּא פִּתְחָא. וַעֲלֵיהוֹן זְבוּלִיאֵ"ל, הַהוּא רַב מְמָנָא, וְנַפְקֵי כֻּלְּהוּ וְנַשְּׁקֵי לָהּ, וּמָטָאן עִמָּהּ עַד רְקִיעָא תִּנְיָינָא.
138. And when the prayer rises to that firmament, YESOD, its twelve gates are opened, and in the twelfth gate stands a chief by the name of Ana'el. He is in charge over some hosts and legions, and when the prayer arises, this chief stands and proclaims concerning those gates "open the gates" (Yeshayah 26:2) and all the gates are opened, and the prayer enter all the gates.
138. וְכַד סַלְּקָא צְלוֹתָא עַד הַהוּא רְקִיעָא, אִתְפְּתָחוּ תְּרֵיסָר תַּרְעִין דְּהַהוּא רְקִיעָא. וּבְהַהוּא תַּרְעָא דִּתְרֵיסָר, קָאֵים מְמָנָא חַד, דִּשְׁמֵיהּ עָנָ"אֵל, וְהַאי מְמָנָא עַל כַּמָה חַיָּילִין, עַל כַּמָה מַשִּׁרְיָין, וְכַד צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא, קָאֵים הַאי מְמָנָא וְכָרִיז עַל כָּל אִינּוּן פִּתְחִין וְאָמַר, פִּתְחוּ שְׁעָרִים וְגוֹ', וְכֻלְּהוּ תַּרְעִין פְּתִיחִין, וְעָאלַת צְלוֹתָא בְּכָל אִינּוּן פִּתְחִין.
139. Then an ancient chief is aroused, who stands to the south, by the name of Azri'el Saba, who is sometimes called Machni'el , since he is chief over six hundred thousand camps (Heb. machanot), all of them winged; camps of eyed ones. Next to them are camps of the eared ones, that are called 'ears', since they listen to all those who whisper their prayers,in silence, with devotion, that prayer is not heard by anyone else. That prayer rises and is heard by all those who are called 'the eared ones'.
139. כְּדֵין, אַתְעַר חַד מְמָנָא סָבָא דְּיוֹמִין, דְּקָאֵים לִסְטַר דָּרוֹם, דִּשְׁמֵיהּ עַזְרִיאֵ"ל סָבָא, וּלְזִמְנִין אִתְקְרֵי מַחֲנִיאֵ"ל, בְּגִין דְּאִתְמַנָא עַל שִׁתִּין רִבּוֹא מַשִׁרְיָין, וְכֻלְּהוּ מָארֵי דְּגַדְפִין, מָארֵי דְּמַשִׁרְיָין, מַלְיָין עַיְינִין. וּלְגַבַּיְיהוּ קַיְּימִין אִינּוּן מַשִׁרְיָין מָארֵיהוֹן דְּאוּדְנִין. וְאִקְרוּן אוּדְנִין, בְּגִין דְּאִינּוּן צַיְיתִין, כָּל אִינּוּן דִּמְצַלָאן צְלוֹתְהוֹן בִּלְחִישׁוּ, בִּרְעוּתָא דְּלִבָּא, דְּלָא אִשְׁתְּמַע הַהוּא צְלוֹתָא לְאַחֲרָא. הַאי צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא, וְצַיְיתִין לָהּ כָּל אִינּוּן דְּאִקְרוּן מָארֵי דְּאוּדְנִין.
140. And if that prayer is overheard by another man, no one will accept it above, and it is never received once it was first heard by someone, THAT IS, PEOPLE OTHER THAN THE MAN WHO OVERHEARD IT. This is why we ought to be careful, lest that prayer is overheard by people. Another reason is that the words of the prayer are united in the supernal world, ZEIR ANPIN, and an utterance of the supernal world ought not to be heard.
140. וְאִי הַהִיא צְלוֹתָא אִשְׁתְּמַע לְאוּדְנִין דְּבַר נָשׁ, לֵית מַאן דְצַיִית לָהּ לְעֵילָּא, וְלָא צַיְיתִין לָהּ אַחֲרָנִין, בַּר מַאן דְּשָׁמַע בְּקַדְמֵיתָא, בג"כ בָּעֵי לְאִסְתַּמְּרָא דְּלָא יִשְׁמְעוּן לְהַהִיא צְלוֹתָא בְּנֵי נָשָׁא. וְתוּ, דְּמִלָּה דִּצְלוֹתָא אִתְאַחֲדָא בְּעָלְמָא עִלָּאָה, וּמִלָּה דְּעָלְמָא עִלָּאָה, לָא אִצְטְרִיךְ לְמִשְׁמַע.
141. In the same manner, when reading the Torah, one reads aloud and the other one is silent. If two read the Torah, they lessen the Faith of above, since one voice and utterance are all one, but two voices and two utterances cause lack and blemish to the Faith, WHICH IS MALCHUT. Thus, there should only be one voice and one utterance, so that that one voice, ZEIR ANPIN WHICH IS CALLED VOICE, and the one utterance, MALCHUT THAT IS CALLED UTTERANCE, will be one.
141. כְּגַוְונָא דָּא, מַאן דְּקָרֵי בְּסִפְרָא דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, חַד קָרֵי, וְחַד לִשְׁתּוֹק, וְאִי תְּרֵי קָרָאן בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, גַּרְעֵי מְהֵימְנוּתָא דִּלְעֵילָּא, בְּגִין דְּחַד קָלָא וְדִיבּוּר כֹּלָּא חַד כְּדֵין תְּרֵין קָלִין וּתְרֵין דִּבּוּרִין, אִיהוּ גְּרִיעוּתָא דִּמְהֵימְנוּתָא. אֶלָּא דִּיְּהֵא קָלָא וְדִבּוּר חַד כְּמָה דְּאִצְטְרִיךְ, בְּגִין דִּיְּהֵא הַהוּא קָלָא וְהַהוּא דִּבּוּר חַד.
142. And that minister's name is Azri'el Saba. When the prayer rises secretly, all those 600,000 camps and all those eared and eyed beings, all come out and kiss that word of the mounting prayer, as written, "The eyes of Hashem are towards the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry" (Tehilim 34:16). "The eyes of Hashem are towards the righteous" refers to the eyed ones from below, NAMELY, THOSE SAID ANGELS IN THE FIRMAMENT OF YESOD OF ASIYAH, since there are eyed ones above. Therefore it is written: "The eyes of Hashem are towards the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry" refers to the eared ones.
142. וְהַהוּא מְמָנָא, שְׁמֵיהּ עַזְרִי"אֵל סָבָא. כַּד הַהִיא צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא בִּלְחִישׁוּ, כָּל אִינּוּן שִׁתִּין רִבּוֹא מַשִׁרְיָין, וְכָל אִינּוּן מָארֵי דְּעַיְינִין, וְכָל אִינּוּן מָארֵי דְּאוּדְנִין, כֻּלְּהוּ נַפְקֵי וְנַשְּׁקֵי לְהַהִיא מִלָּה דִּצְלוֹתָא דְּסַלְּקָא. הה"ד, עֵינֵי יְיָ' אֶל צַדִּיקִים וְאָזְנָיו אֶל שַׁוְעָתָם. עֵינֵי יְיָ' אֶל צַדִּיקִים, אִלֵּין מָארֵי דְּעַיְינִין דִּלְתַתָּא, בְּגִין דְּאִית מָארֵי דְּעַיְינִין לְעֵילָּא. וְאָזְנָיו אֶל שַׁוְעָתָם, אִלֵּין מָארֵיהוֹן דְּאוּדְנִין.
143. The third firmament IS NETZACH AND HOD OF ASIYAH. The prayer mounts and reaches that firmament, where there is a minister by the name of Gedariah, accompanied by some ministers and chieftains. He ministers three times a day before a scepter of light that comes out, goes up and down, and is never still in one place. This is the scepter, which travels three times and then is concealed. When the prayer ascends, the scepter descends and bows before this prayer. The THIRD firmament, NETZACH AND HOD OF ASIYAH, is called the firmament of the scepter, NAMED AFTER THE SCEPTER THAT IS ACTIVE IN IT.
143. רְקִיעָא תְּלִיתָאָה, הַהִיא צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא וּמָטֵי לְהַהוּא רְקִיעָא, וְתַמָּן הַהוּא מְמָנָא דְּאִקְרֵי גְּדַרְיָ"ה, וְעִמֵּיהּ כַּמָה סַרְכִין וְכַמָּה מְמָנָן. וְאִיהוּ מְשַׁמֵשׁ ג' זִמְנִין בְּיוֹמָא, לָקֳבֵל חַד שַׁרְבִיטָא דְּזִיהֲרָא דְּנָפִיק, סָלִיק וְנָחִית וְלָא קַיְּימָא בַּאֲתָר חַד, וְהַאי אִיהוּ שַׁרְבִיטָא דְּנָטִיל ג' זִמְנִין וְאִתְגְּנִיז. וְכַד צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא, נָחִית הַהוּא שַׁרְבִיטָא, וְסָגִיד קַמֵּי הַהוּא צְלוֹתָא, וְאִקְרֵי הַאי רְקִיעָא, רְקִיעָא דְּשַׁרְבִיטָא.
144. And when that prayer rises, that minister, after bowing TOWARDS THE PRAYER, strikes with that scepter a strong luminous rock, placed in the middle of that firmament, and 375 troops come out of it that were concealed there from the day the Torah come down to the earth. And since they insisted on refusing AND WITHHOLDING the Torah from descending, to the earth, the Holy One, blessed be He, rebuked them and they entered into that rock. And they do not leave THAT PLACE except when prayer goes up. Then they open and say, "Hashem our Master, how majestic is Your name in all the earth..." (Tehilim 8:2). This is the prayer, WHICH IS CALLED MAJESTIC, SINCE it mounts over all those firmaments and then they bow before it.
144. וְכַד סַלְּקָא הַהִיא צְלוֹתָא, הַהוּא מְמָנָא בָּתַר דְּסָגִיד, בָּטַשׁ, בְּהַהוּא שַׁרְבִיטָא בְּטִינָרָא, תַּקִּיפָא דְּזָהִיר, דְּאִיהוּ קָאֵים בְּאֶמְצָעִיתָא דְּהַהוּא רְקִיעָא, וְנַפְקוּ מִגּוֹ הַהוּא טִינָרָא, תְּלַת מְאָה וְשַׁבְעִין וְחָמֵשׁ חַיָּילִין דְּאִינּוּן גְּנִיזִין תַּמָּן מִן יוֹמָא דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא נַחְתַּת לְאַרְעָא, בְּגִין דְּאִתְתָּקָפוּ לְסַרְבָא דְּלָא תֵּחוֹת לְאַרְעָא, וְאָנְזִיף בְּהוּ קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, וְעָאלוּ גּוֹ הַהוּא טִינָרָא. וְלָא נָפְקִין בַּר הַהוּא זִמְנָא דִּצְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא, פָּתְחֵי וְאַמְרֵי יְיָ' אֲדוֹנֵינוּ מַה אַדִּיר שִׁמְךָ וְגוֹ'. דָּא הִיא צְלוֹתָא, דְּסַלְּקָא עַל כָּל אִינּוּן רְקִיעִין. כְּדֵין סַגְדִּין לְגַבָּהּ.
145. From now on the prayer is adorned with supernal crowns and ascends into the forth firmaments, WHICH IS TIFERET. Then the sun, WHICH IS TIFERET, comes out with its grades, and Shamshi'el (from Heb. shemesh lit. 'sun') the superior chief comes out and ascends into that firmament together with 365 camps, that are called the solar days, SINCE THEY ARE GRADES THAT COME FROM THE SUN, WHICH IS TIFERET. And they all adorn the prayer with perfumed crowns from the Garden of Eden.
145. מִכָּאן וּלְהָלְאָה, צְלוֹתָא מִתְעַטְּרָא בְּעִטְרִין עִלָּאִין, וְסַלְּקָא לְגוֹ רְקִיעָא רְבִיעָאָה, וּכְדֵין שִׁמְשָׁא נָפִיק בְּדַרְגּוֹי, וְשַׁמְשִׁי"אֵל רַב מְמָנָא נָפִיק, וּתְלַת מְאָה וְשִׁתִּין וְחָמֵשׁ מַשִׁרְיָין סַלְּקִין עִמֵּיהּ, לְגוֹ הַהוּא רְקִיעָא, וְאִקְרוּן יְמוֹת הַחַמָּה, וְכֻלְּהוּ מְעַטְּרָן לְהַהִיא צְלוֹתָא, בְּעִטְרִין דְּבוּסְמִין דְּגִּנְתָּא דְּעֵדֶן.
146. There the prayer stays some time until all the troops ascend with it into the fifth firmament, WHICH IS GVURAH. The minister Gadri'el is there, who is in charge over wars waged by the other nations. FOR GVURAH IS THE SECRET OF THE LEFT COLUMN, TO WHICH THE NATIONS ARE ATTACHED. And when the prayer goes up, he and all his troops shudder, and their might is enfeebled. They go out and bow, and adorn that prayer.
146. וְתַמָּן אִתְעַכָּבַת צְלוֹתָא, עַד דְּכֻלְּהוּ מַשִׁרְיָין סַלְּקִין עִמָּהּ לְגוֹ הַהוּא רְקִיעָא חֲמִישָׁאָה, וְתַמָּן אִיהוּ מְמָנָא חַד גַּדְרִי"אֵל שְׁמֵיהּ, וְהוּא מָארֵי קְרָבִין דִּשְׁאַר עַמִּין. וְכַד צְלוֹתָא סַלְּקָא, כְּדֵין אִזְדַּעְזָע הוּא, וְכָל מַשִׁרְיָין דִּילֵיהּ, וְאִתְבַּר חֵילַיְיהוּ, וְנַפְקֵי וְסַגְדֵּי, וּמְעַטְּרִין לְהַהִיא צְלוֹתָא.
147. They mount with it until they reach the sixth firmament, CHESED, when some hosts and legions come out and receive that prayer until they arrive at seventy gates, WHICH ARE THE SEVEN SFIROT - CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD AND MALCHUT, EACH INCLUDING TEN. FOR CHESED INCLUDES IN IT ALL THE SEVEN LOWER SFIROT. There stands a chief by the name of Anfi'el, who is the supreme chief, who adorns the prayer with seventy crowns.
147. וְסַלְּקִין עִמָּהּ עַד דְּמָטוּ לְגַבֵּי רְקִיעָא שְׁתִּיתָאָה, וּכְדֵין נָפְקִין כַּמָה חַיָּילִין, וְכַמָּה מַשִׁרְיָין, וּמְקַבְּלִין לְהַהוּא צְלוֹתָא, וְסַלְּקִין בַּהֲדָהּ, עַד דְּמָטוּ לְשַׁבְעִין תַּרְעִין, דְּתַמָּן קָאֵים חַד מְמָנָא, דִּי שְׁמֵיהּ עַנְפִי"אֵל, רַב מְמָנָא. וְאִיהוּ מְעַטֵּר לְהַהִיא צְלוֹתָא, בְּשַׁבְעִין עִטְרִין.
148. And after the prayer is bedecked with all those crowns, the soldiers from all firmaments, WHO ACCOMPANIED THE PRAYER UP TO HERE, FROM ONE FIRMAMENT TO ANOTHER, jointly raise the prayer to the seventh firmament, BINAH, WHICH INCLUDES THE FIRST THREE SFIROT. Then the prayer enters THAT PLACE, and Sandalphon, the precious, supreme minister, who has all his Master's keys in his hands, ushers the prayer into seven chambers OF YETZIRAH. (THE CHAMBERS THAT WERE ALREADY PRINTED IN BERESHEET 2 ARE MISSING HERE).
148. וְכֵיוָן דְּמִתְעַטְּרָא צְלוֹתָא בְּכָל הָנֵי עִטְרִין, כְּדֵין מִתְחַבְּרָן כָּל אִינּוּן חַיָּילִין דְּכֻלְּהוּ רְקִיעִין, וְסַלְּקִין לְהַהִיא צְלוֹתָא דְּמִתְעַטְּרָא בְּכָל עִטְרִין, לְגַבֵּי רְקִיעָא שְׁבִיעָאָה. וּכְדֵין עָאלַת צְלוֹתָא, וְסַנְדַּלְפֹ"ן רַב יַקִּירָא עִלָּאָה דְּכָל מַפְתְּחָן דְּמָארֵיהּ בִּידֵיהּ, אָעִיל לְהַהוּא צְלוֹתָא, לְגוֹ שִׁבְעָה הֵיכָלִין.
149. These seven chambers are the King's chambers, VIZ. THE SEVEN CHAMBERS OF MALCHUT OF ATZILUT WHERE THE KING, ZEIR ANPIN, IS UNITED. And when this prayer, adorned with all those crowns, goes up there, it unites ZEIR ANPIN AND MALCHUT together and crowns them from above. Thus everything becomes one, as is befitting, and the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, MALCHUT, is decorated on all sides, above and below and becomes one WITH ZEIR ANPIN. Then "blessings are upon the head of the righteous" (Mishlei 10:6), FOR YESOD, THAT IS CALLED RIGHTEOUS, BESTOWS BLESSINGS ON MALCHUT .
149. שִׁבְעָה הֵיכָלִין אִלֵּין, אִינּוּן הֵיכָלִין דְּמַלְכָּא, וְהַאי צְלוֹתָא כַּד מִתְעַטְּרָא בְּכָל הָנֵי עִטְרִין, כַּד עָאלַת, מְחַבָּר לוֹן כַּחֲדָא, לְאִתְעַטְרָא לְעֵילָּא לְמֶהֱוֵי כֹּלָּא חַד כַּדְקָא יֵאוֹת. וּשְׁמָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, מִתְעַטְּרָא בְּכָל עִטְרִין, עֵילָּא וְתַתָּא, לְמֶהֱוֵי חַד, וּכְדֵין בְּרָכוֹת לְרֹאשׁ צַדִּיק כְּתִיב.
150. Happy is the portion of the person, who knows how to arrange his prayer properly, for when it is AS IT OUGHT TO BE the Holy One, blessed be He, bedecks Himself with it, while waiting for all the prayers of Yisrael to be completed AND INCLUDED IN THE WHOLE PRAYER. Then all is properly complete above and below. So far were discussed the matters of prayer, to know the lofty secrets IN IT. From now on, there are precepts of the Torah that are based on speech, just as there are OTHERS that are based on actions.
150. זַכָּאָה חוּלָקֵיהּ דְּבַר נָשׁ, דְּיָדַע לְסַדְּרָא צְלוֹתֵיהּ כַּדְקָא יֵאוֹת. בְּהַאי צְלוֹתָא דְּמִתְעַטְּרָא בֵּיהּ קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, אִיהוּ מְחַכֶּה עַד דְּיִסְתַּיְּימוּן כָּל צְלוֹתְהוֹן דְּיִשְׂרָאֵל, וּכְדֵין כֹּלָּא אִיהוּ בִּשְׁלִימוּ כַּדְקָא יֵאוֹת, עֵילָּא וְתַתָּא. עַד הָכָא מִלִּין דִּצְלוֹתָא, לְמִנְדַּע רָזִין עִלָּאִין, מִכָּאן וּלְהָלְאָה אִית פִּקּוּדֵי אוֹרַיְיתָא, דְּאִינּוּן קַיְּימִין בְּמִלָּה, כְּמָה דְּקַיְימִין בְּעוֹבָדָא.
151. There are six precepts, that are observed during the prayer: 1) "that you may fear this glorious and fearful name" (Devarim 28:58). 2) "to love Him (Devarim 10:12). 3) to bless Him. 4) to profess His unity. 5) that the priest would bless the people. 6) to surrender the soul to Him. These are the six precepts that apply to prayer, BASED ON speech, excepting those that are based on action, like the fringes (Heb. Tzitzit) and Tefilin.
151. וְאִינּוּן שִׁית פִּקוּדִין, וְקַיְימִין אוּף הָכָא בִּצְלוֹתָא. חַד, לְיִרְאָה אֶת הַשֵּׁם הַנִּכְבָּד וְהַנּוֹרָא. תִּנְיָינָא, לְאַהֲבָה אוֹתוֹ. תְּלִיתָאָה, לְבָרְכוֹ. רְבִיעָאָה, לְיַחֲדוֹ. חֲמִישָׁאָה, לְבָרֵךְ כַּהֲנָא יַת עַמָּא. שְׁתִיתָאָה, לִמְסוֹר נִשְׁמָתֵיהּ לֵיהּ. וְאִלֵּין שִׁית פִּקוּדִין דְּקַיְימִין בִּצְלוֹתָא דְּמִלָּה, בַּר אִינּוּן פִּקוּדִין דְּקַיְימִין בְּעוֹבָדָא, כְּגַוְונָא דְּצִיצִית וּתְפִלִין.
152. HE EXPLAINS THESE SIX PRECEPTS: 1) this precept applies to the poems of King David, and the sacrifices mentioned in the Torah, for there a man should indicate fear of his Master, since these particular chants are in a place called fear, THAT IS MALCHUT. And all these Haleluyas THAT ARE WRITTEN, allude to the secret of the fear of the Holy One, blessed be He, WHICH IS MALCHUT. Therefore a person should be attentive to those chants with awe. Already the friends explained all the secret of the chants and praises, and all the secrets of Haleluyah.
152. לְיִרְאָה אֶת הַשֵּׁם, פִּקּוּדָא דָּא קַיְּימָא בְּאִלֵּין תּוּשְׁבְּחָן דְּקָאָמַר דָּוִד מַלְכָּא, וּבְאִינּוּן קָרְבָּנִין דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, דְּתַמָּן בָּעֵי בַּר נָשׁ לְדַחֲלָא מִקַּמֵּי מָארֵיהּ, בְּגִין דְּאִינּוּן שִׁירִין קַיְּימִין בְּהַהוּא אֲתָר דְּאִקְרֵי יִרְאָה. וְכָל אִינּוּן הַלְלוּיָהּ, דְּאִינּוּן רָזָא דְּיִרְאָה דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא. וּבָעֵי בַּר נָשׁ לְשַׁוָּאָה רְעוּתֵיהּ בְּאִינּוּן שִׁירִין בְּיִרְאָה, וְאוּקְמוּהָ חַבְרַיָּיא כָּל אִינּוּן רָזִין דְּשִׁירִין וְתוּשְׁבְּחָן, וְכָל אִינּוּן רָזִין דְּהַלְלוּיָהּ.
153. 2) Upon reaching "praised be," one should concentrate on the benedictions before the Holy One, blessed be He, such as "blessed are You...who forms light... blessed are You, Hashem, creator of the luminaries." 3) "to love Him": upon reaching "eternal love" followed by "and you shall love Hashem your Elohim," which is the secret of the love of the Holy One, blessed be He. 4) to profess His unity: NAMELY, "Hear, O Yisrael, Hashem our Elohim Hashem is One" (Devarim 6:4), for here is the secret of the unifying of the Holy One, blessed be He, and we ought to declare His unity with a willing heart as is fit. From there on is the remembrance of the exodus from Egypt. It is a precept to mention the emergence from Egypt, as is written: "but you shall remember that you were a bondsman in the land of Egypt" (Devarim 5:15).
153. כֵּיוָן דְּמָטֵי ב"נ לְיִשְׁתַּבַּח, יְשַׁוֵּי רְעוּתֵיהּ לְבָרְכָא לֵיהּ לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא , כְּגוֹן יוֹצֵר אוֹר, יוֹצֵר הַמְּאוֹרוֹת. לְאַהֲבָה אוֹתוֹ, כַּד מָטֵי לְאַהֲבַת עוֹלָם, וְאָהַבְתָּ אֶת יְיָ' אֱלֹֹהֶיךָ, דְּדָא אִיהוּ רָזָא דִּרְחִימוּ דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, וְהָא אוּקְמוּהָ. לְיַחֲדָא לֵיהּ, שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְיָ' אֱלֹֹהֵינוּ יְיָ' אֶחָד, דְּהָכָא קַיְּימָא רָזָא דְּיִחוּדָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, לְיַחֲדָא שְׁמֵיהּ בִּרְעוּתָא דְּלִבָּא כַּדְקָא חֲזֵי. וּמִתַּמָּן וּלְהָלְאָה אַדְכָּרוּתָא דִּיצִיאַת מִצְרַיִם, דְּאִיהוּ פִּקּוּדָא לְאַדְכְּרָא יְצִיאַת מִצְרַיִם דִּכְתִּיב וְזָכַרְתָּ כִּי עֶבֶד הָיִיתָ בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם.
154. 5) That the priest would bless the people, in order to unite Yisrael together while they receive blessings from above, for at that time, the Congregation of Yisrael, MALCHUT, receives blessings. 6) And it is a time of goodwill to surrender one's soul to Him with a willing heart, when one prostrates and says, "To You, Hashem, do I lift up my soul" (Tehilim 25:1), when one should direct his heart and will to surrender his soul with complete devotion. These are the six precepts pertaining to prayer that correspond to the six hundred precepts of the Torah.
154. לְבָרְכָא כַּהֲנָא יַת עַמָּא, בְּגִין לְאַכְלְלָא יִשְׂרָאֵל כַּחֲדָא, בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְּנַטְלִין בִּרְכָּאן לְעֵילָּא, דְּהָא בְּהַהִיא שַׁעֲתָא נַטְלָא כְּנֶסֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל בִּרְכָּאן, וְשַׁעֲתָא דִּרְעוּתָא הוּא, לִמְסוֹר נַפְשֵׁיהּ לְגַבֵּיהּ, וּלְמֵיהַב לֵיהּ נִשְׁמְתָא בִּרְעוּתָא דְּלִבָּא, כַּד נַפְלִין עַל אַנְפִּין, וְאָמְרִין אֵלֶיךָ יְיָ' נַפְשִׁי אֶשָּׂא, דִּיכַוֵּין לִבֵּיהּ וּרְעוּתֵיהּ לְגַבֵּיהּ, לְמִמְסַר לֵיהּ נַפְשָׁא בִּרְעוּתָא שְׁלִים. וְאִלֵּין אִינּוּן שִׁית פִּקוּדִין דְּקַיְימִין בִּצְלוֹתָא, דְּסַלְּקִין לְגַבֵּי שִׁית מֵאָה פִּקוּדִין דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא.
155. וְאִי תֵּימָא תְּלֵיסָר אַחֲרָנִין יַתִּיר. אִינּוּן קַיְּימִין לְאַמְשָׁכָא תְּלֵיסָר מְכִילָן דְּרַחֲמֵי, דְּכֹלָּא כְּלִילָן בְּהוּ. שִׁית פִּקוּדִין אִלֵּין, דִּצְלוֹתָא מִתְעַטְּרָא בְּהוּ.
156. Happy is the portion of he who puts his heart and will to it to perfect them every day. And upon them depend many other things. However, when a man reaches these passages, he should concentrate his heart and will to complete that precept that is connected to that particular word; then the proclamation resounds "and He said to me, you are My servant, Yisrael, in whom I will be glorified" (Yeshayah 49:3). Rabbi Aba approached and kissed him.
156. זַכָּאָה חוּלָקֵיהּ, מַאן דִּישַׁוֵּי לִבֵּיהּ וּרְעוּתֵיהּ לְדָא, וּלְאַשְׁלְמָא לוֹן בְּכָל יוֹמָא. וּבְאִלֵּין תַּלְיָין אַחֲרָנִין סַגִּיאִין. אֲבָל כַּד מָטֵי בַּר נָשׁ לְאַתְרִין אִלֵּין, אִצְטְרִיךְ לֵיהּ לְכַוְּונָא לִבֵּיהּ וּרְעוּתֵיהּ, לְאַשְׁלְמָא הַהוּא פִּקּוּדָא דְּקַיְּימָא בְּהַהוּא מִלָּה. וּכְדֵין אַכְרִיזוּ עָלֵיהּ וְאַמְרֵי, וַיֹּאמֶר לִי עַבְדִי אַתָּה יִשְׂרָאֵל אֲשֶׁר בְּךָ אֶתְפָּאָר. אָתָא ר' אַבָּא וּנְשָׁקֵיהּ.
157. Rabbi Yitzchak then opened after him, and said, "and Moses gathered all the Congregation of the children of Yisrael..." HE ASKS why he gathered them, AND REPLIES: In order to give them the laws of Shabbat as before. For before Yisrael created the golden calf, He gave them the Shabbat. And this is what the mixed multitude did not keep. When they heard the verse "between Me and the children of Yisrael" (Shemot 31:17), they said: but from us this is withheld! Quickly "the people gathered themselves together against Aaron" (Shemot 32:1) IN ORDER TO MAKE THE CALF, and many followed them. And after those WHO WORSHIPPED THE CALF died, Moses gathered the Congregation of Yisrael alone, and gave them the laws of Shabbat as before, as is written: "six days shall work be done..." (Shemot 35:2).
157. פָּתַח ר' יִצְחָק אֲבַתְרֵיהּ וְאָמַר, וַיַּקְהֵל מֹשֶׁה אֶת כָּל עֲדַת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְגוֹ'. אֲמַאי כָּנִישׁ לוֹן. בְּגִין לְמִמְסַר לוֹן שַׁבָּת כְּמִלְּקַדְּמִין, דְּהָא בְּקַדְמֵיתָא עַד לָא עָבְדוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יַת עֶגְלָא, מָסַר לוֹן אֶת הַשַּׁבָּת. וְדָא אִיהוּ דְּלָא נַטְרוּ אִינּוּן עֵרֶב רַב. כֵּיוָן דְּשַׁמְעוּ בֵּינִי וּבֵין בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, אָמְרוּ וַאֲנָן מִלָּה דָּא אִתְמָנַּע מִינָן, מִיַּד וַיִּקָּהֵל הָעָם עַל אַהֲרֹן וְגוֹ', וְאִתְמְשָׁכוּ סַגִּיאִין אֲבַתְרַיְיהוּ. לְבָתַר דְּמִיתוּ אִינּוּן דְּמִיתוּ, כָּנִישׁ מֹשֶׁה לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בִּלְחוֹדַיְיהוּ, וְיָהַב לוֹן שַׁבָּת כְּמִלְּקַדְמִין, הֲדָא הוּא דִּכְתִּיב שֵׁשֶׁת יָמִים תֵּעָשֶׂה מְלָאכָה וְגוֹ'.