55. The nose OF ARICH ANPIN: in this nose, within the window of its nostril the spirit (or: 'wind') of life blows on Zeir Anpin. Inside this nose, in the window of the nostril, Hei comes out to support another, lower Hei. This wind comes out from the concealed brain and is called the spirit of life. By means of that spirit people will gain wisdom during the time of King Messiah, as it is written, "and the spirit of Hashem shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding..." (Yeshayah 11:2). This nose is life from every aspect, complete joy, satisfaction and healing. Of the nose of Zeir Anpin it is written, "There went up a smoke out of His nostrils..." (II Shmuel 22:9). Here it is written, "and for My praise will I refrain (or: 'nose') for you" (Yeshayah 48:9).
56. In the Agadah book of the academy OF STUDY of Rav Yeba Saba, he interpreted the Hei AS MALCHUT THAT RECEIVES from the mouth OF ARICH ANPIN. But here, IN THIS MATTER, it does not work that way, and MALCHUT does not connect WITH THE MOUTH OF ARICH ANPIN, BUT WITH THE LEFT NOSTRIL OF THE NOSE. And even though it has the same meaning, many Judgments derive from Hei, while Judgment derives from the nose, as it is written, "There went up a smoke out of his nostrils." You may say it is written, "and fire out of His mouth" (II Shmuel 22:9), SO THERE ARE JUDGMENTS IN THE MOUTH AS WELL, TO WHICH HE ANSWERS, anger comes mainly from the nose.