17. "And Jacob went out" of the closed labyrinth; and from the closed mystery emerges the splendor of the shining mirror, which is composed of two colors joined together. Because they are included within one another, all the colors are visible in it. All the appearing lights are included in the color purple. THAT IS, AS THE COLOR PURPLE INCLUDES ALL THE COLORS, SO THE SPLENDOR OF THE SHINING MIRROR COMPRISES ALL THE LIGHTS. These lights run and return, FOR THEY RUN FROM THE ILLUMINATION OF THE RIGHT TO THE ILLUMINATION OF THE LEFT TO BE INCLUDED IN IT. BUT THEN THEY IMMEDIATELY RETURN TO THEIR PLACE IN THE ILLUMINATION OF THE RIGHT. And they do not stop to see - THAT IS, TO DRAW OUT CHOCHMAH - BUT IMMEDIATELY RETURN TO THEIR PLACE. THE ILLUMINATIONS OF THE RIGHT AND LEFT are joined within that splendor, BRINGING BOTH TO THE RIGHT IN THE ILLUMINATION OF CHASSADIM. AND THE ILLUMINATION OF THE LEFT IS NOT SEEN AT ALL, BUT IS NEGATED AND INCLUDED WITHIN THE RIGHT.
17. וַיֵּצֵא יַעֲקֹב, בְּקִטְרָא דִּסְתִימוּ, מִגּוֹ סִתְרָא סְתִימָא נָפְקָא, זֹהַר אַסְפַּקְלַרְיָאה דְּנָהֲרָא, כְּלִילָא מִתְּרֵין גְּוָונִין, דְּמִתְחַבְּרָן כַּחֲדָא, כֵּיוָן דְּאִלֵּין אִתְכְּלִילוּ דָּא בְּדָא, אִתְחֲזוּן בֵּיהּ כָּל גְּוָונִין. אַרְגָּמָן אִיהוּ, כָּל חֵיזוּ דִּנְהוֹרִין, בֵּיהּ כְּלִילָן. רָצוֹא וָשׁוֹב, אִינוּן נְהוֹרִין, לָא מִתְעַכְּבָן לְמֶחֱמֵי, חִבּוּרָא חָדָא אִתְחַבְּרָן בְּהַהוּא זֹהַר.
18. In that splendor dwells whoever dwells, YUD HEI VAV HEI, WHICH IS THE FIRST THREE SFIROT. This is a name that describes something closed and utterly unknown. THAT IS, THE NAME DWELLS ON THE ILLUMINATION OF THE RIGHT, WHOSE LABYRINTH IS NOT YET OPENED OR KNOWN. IT DOES NOT DWELL ON THE LEFT, WHOSE LABYRINTH WAS OPENED AND ITS EXISTENCE BECAME KNOWN. THIS SPLENDOR is called the 'voice of Jacob,' NOT 'A GREAT VOICE.' In this SPLENDOR, THE LIGHT OF THE FIRST THREE SFIROT OF BINAH, CALLED 'the Whole Faith,' is seen. THESE CHASSADIM ARE ALSO CONSIDERED PART OF THE FIRST THREE SFIROT, AS THE CHASSADIM OF THE FIRST THREE OF BINAH. And within this closed LABYRINTH OF THE ILLUMINATION OF THE RIGHT, which is utterly unknown, the Name of Yud Hei Vav Hei dwells. It is whole on all sides, for the upper and the lower, BINAH AND THE NUKVA, are here INCLUDED WITHIN THIS SPLENDOR. Therefore, Jacob was selected to be the chosen among the Fathers, for he is included in all sides. This splendor OF JACOB'S GRADE, AS A RESULT OF THE purification of his name, WHICH REACHED MALCHUT, IS CALLED 'THE CHOSEN AMONG THE FATHERS,' as it is written, "Jacob whom I have chosen" (Yeshayah 41:8). He is called by two names, Jacob and Yisrael. First, HE WAS CALLED 'Jacob.' AT THAT TIME, HE LET THE RIGHT RULE. After HE ESTABLISHED THE ILLUMINATION OF BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT, FOR CHOCHMAH SHINES ONLY AFTER IT IS INCLUDED WITHIN CHASSADIM, HE WAS CALLED 'Yisrael.'
18. בְּהַאי זֹהַ"ר שָׁארֵי מַאן דְּשָׁארֵי, שְׁמָא אִיהוּ, לְהַהוּא דְּסָתִים דְּלָא יְדִיעַ כְּלָל, קוֹל יַעֲקֹב אִקְרֵי, בְּהַאי אִתְחֲזֵי מְהֵימְנוּתָא דְּכֹלָּא. הַהוּא דְּסָתִים וְלָא יְדִיעַ כְּלָל, בְּהַאי שַׁרְיָא ידו"ד. שְׁלִימוּ דְכָל סִטְרִין אִיהוּ, עִלָּאָה וְתַתָּאָה, הָכָא אִשְׁתַּכַּח, יַעֲקֹב שְׁלִימוּ דַּאֲבָהָן דְּאָחִיד מִכָּל סִטְרִין. זה"ר דָּא, עַל בְּרִירוּ דִּשְׁמָא דָא אִקְרֵי, דִּכְתִיב יַעֲקֹב אֲשֶׁר בְּחַרְתִּיךָ. תְּרֵין שְׁמָהָן אִקְרֵי, יַעֲקֹב וְיִשְׂרָאֵל, בְּקַדְמֵיתָא יַעֲקֹב, וּלְבָתַר יִשְׂרָאֵל.