81. The Holy Land THAT IS MALCHUT is under the authority of the Holy One, blessed be He, and no other authority enters there. How is the land tested if it keeps its Faith? MEANING TO SAY, IF SHE IS FAITHFUL TO HER HUSBAND, WHO IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN, WHO FIXES IT SO THAT CHOCHMAH SHOULD NOT ILLUMINATE ON THE LEFT EXCEPT FROM BELOW UPWARDS? She was not joined to another authority, THAT IS THE OTHER SIDE, WHOSE MANNER IS TO DRAW CHOCHMAH DOWNWARDS, IN REVERSE TO THE MANNER SET UP BY THE CENTRAL COLUMN, THAT IS ZEIR ANPIN. THE TEST IS by this offering of barley, similar to the secret meaning of the test of the sotah (lit. 'wife suspected of idolatry'). Rabbi Aba spoke, Definitely the edge of the sword is before you. That child replied, I certainly was strengthened with a shield and breastplate to be protected from it. Rabbi Aba said, Isn't the Holy Land clear of any other dominion, WHICH IS THE OTHER SIDE that does not enter therein? AND IF SO, Where did chaff and straw, WHICH ARE KLIPOT, come from?
81. אַרְעָא קַדִישָׁא בִּרְשׁוּ דְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא הֲוַת, וּרְשׁוּ אַחֲרָא לָא עָאל תַּמָּן. הֵיךְ אִבְדִּיקַת אַרְעָא, אִי קַיְימַת בִּמְהֵימְנוּתָא, וְלָא אִתְחַבְּרַת בִּרְשׁוּ אַחֲרָא, בִּקְרִיבוּ דִּתְרוּמָה דָּא דִּשְׂעוֹרִים, כְּגַוְונָא דְּרָזָא דְּסוֹטָה. א"ר אַבָא, וַדַּאי שִׁנָּנָא דְּחַרְבָּא לְגַבָּךְ, אָמַר הַהוּא יַנּוּקָא, וַדַּאי אִתָקַפְנָא בְּמָגֵן וְצִינָא לְאַגָּנָא מִנֵּיהּ. א"ר אַבָּא, אַרְעָא קַדִישָׁא לֵית בָּהּ רְשׁוּ אַחֲרָא, וְלָא עָאל תַּמָּן. מוֹץ וְתֶבֶן מִמַּאן הֲווֹ.